Truffle Suite Review
Truffle Suite
The Truffle Suite is a collection of tools for developers who are coding on the Ethereum network. It was launched in 2017 giving it a short history in the cryptocurrency industry. The tools are aimed at assisting the developers in creating decentralized applications (DApps). The Truffle Suite has been used by well-known companies in the cryptocurrency industry including ShapeShift, Aragon, and BitGo.
The Truffle Suite is a collection of three tools which are Truffle, Ganache, and Drizzle. Truffle is a development environment, testing framework, and asset pipeline. Ganache already provides the blockchain for developers who want to deploy contracts, develop applications, and run tests. It is also available as a desktop application and operates on Mac, Linux, and Windows. Drizzle is a collection of front-end libraries. The website contains documentation and tutorials for using the tools. An additional feature is Truffle boxes which help users operate the tools. Truffle boxes contain modules on using different features and even contain full DApp examples.
The Truffle suite also publishes a regular blog and users can stay updated by subscribing via email. Users can also open issues on the GitHub page. Users can also fork the code if they wish to change a feature but are asked to open an issue first.