Ripple Review
Starting off in crypto trading and investment attracts many risks. Different coin traders in the crypto trading world always keep themselves informed about the happenings around the digital trading. This helps to know when to buy or sell a coin and when to pause or continue investing in it. XRP is one of those coins who has stayed for a relatively long time in the crypto business. As an XRP investor, having to surf the net searching for information regarding it can be very tasking. Ripple, the owners of XRP have therefore created a platform where all this information can be brought together and fed to their investors and traders. That channel is called ripplepay.
Ripplepay is a channel created on Facebook by Ripple company itself. Here, customers can follow up on the latest happenings relating to the coin and the company as a whole. Members can join in at any time and post their comments as well. On this platform, members get to see news relating to events that Ripple will be holding. Informative videos and photos are also sent to this channel from time to time, so as to keep people informed.
Ripplepay gives members opportunities to hear their say as well as give suggestions relating to the growth and tailored towards the continued existence of the company and its coin. Members also get to see the latest products and services of this company on this platform.