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The XNET Token




XNET Vision

Build the Network



The XNET Token

Token Basics

$XNET Economics

Earning $XNET


Claiming Rewards


Solana Migration, Part 1

Solana Migration, Part 2

Technical Docs

Carrier WiFi Offload

WiFi Reactivation




The XNET Token#

Token Basics#

As of August 2024, XNET has successfully transitioned to the Solana network. The $XNET Token is a Solana SPL Token with a max supply of 2,400,000,000 (two billion, four hundred million) deflationary XNET tokens ($XNET). These tokens will be issued gradually over time and be allocated according to the breakdown below.


Don't be fooled! Confirm you are using the official Solana $XNET token address for all transactions.

Address = xNETbUB7cRb3AAu2pNG2pUwQcJ2BHcktfvSB8x1Pq6L

$XNET Economics#

In order for the XNET network to operate, the economics must work for all participants. The $XNET Token unites two groups:

Those who build the network's physical infrastructure (node operators mainly), and,

Mobile Network Operators who pay to use the footprint created by the deployers.

Node operators, whether they be businesses or individuals, are who earn the $XNET Token. Mobile Network Operators are the end user of the XNET Network, and must pay to access XNET whether it be via LTE roaming or Carrier WiFi offload.


Mobile Network Operators strictly settle in cash, and the XNET Foundation is what bridges the gap between the $XNET Token and the world of Fiat dollars. The majority of every dollar of offload revenue will be used by the XNET foundation to buy XNET on the open market then burn, thereby permanently removing the tokens from circulation.

Buy & Burn

The core economic function of the XNET Network.

the XNET Economy

Top: Traffic flows from XNET node to end user, with $XNET reward flowing from treasury to node owner. Bottom: Several inputs go into determining $XNET rewards.

Earning $XNET#

Token distribution operates on the XNET Epoch Schedule. An Epoch is two weeks long, landing on a Sunday. The very first XNET Epoch was November 28th, 2022. On the first or second day of the new epoch, token distribution takes place and the community of XNET builders received tokens commensurate with the hardware deployed, uptime, data throughput and location.


Token rewards will change over time as the network grows and new hardware becomes available. Stay on top of the latest earning rates in the tables below.

Wi-Fi Earnings

CBRS Earnings


Foundation Pool: 432,000,000 tokens (18%) - Released over several years, this pool facilitates charitable works and supports suitable organizations.

Ecosystem Pool: 312,000,000 tokens (13%) - This pool is reserved for key strategic suppliers and partners, with a lockup period of 12-18 months.

Operator Pool: 936,000,000 tokens (39%) - This is the token mining reward pool for builders and validators of the XNET network.

Investor Pool: 360,000,000 billion tokens (15%) - Used to gain access to investment in the network from Equity and (private) ICO investors. These tokens will be subject to a lockup period of 36-48 months.

Insider Pool: 360,000,000 tokens (15%) - Used to reward founders, employees and advisors over time. These will be subject to vesting schedules over 36-48 months.

XNET Token Allocation

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Claiming Rewards

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