If your website is on the scam list and you think that you are not a scammer, contact us. After you provide us with all the proof that you are in Crypto World with good intentions, we will delist you. Usually, you get in this category because you are hiding your team, you have a bad reputation(you are tricking, deceiving, scamming people), and you haven't got a written project whitepaper or is a shitty one....
Their Official site text:
1. Disclaimer
• Essen/al legal disclaimers and risk disclosures.
2. Introduc/on
• Revolu/onizing Finance with Crypto and Forex Integra/on
• Advantages of Automated Trading with AI
• Balancing the Benefits and Risks of Algorithmic Trading
3. AZ BANC SERVICES: A Proven Success
• Success Stories and Valida/on of Our Approach
4. AZ BANC Trading PlaPorm
• Dashboard and Mobile App Func/onality
• Details on Algorithmic Trading Solu/ons
• Community Trading Pool Features
• Exclusive Membership Benefits for Early Supporters
• Auto trading Features and Services
5. Why Invest in AZ BANC SERVICES ICO?
• Token Profitability and Returns
6. AZ BANC Token (ABS)
• ICO and Token Sale Informa/on
• ABS Token Alloca/on Plan
• Token Pricing Strategy
• Crowd sale Distribu/on Details
7. Roadmap
• Detailed milestones and future plans.
8. Legal Aspects
• Compliance, regula/ons, and legal framework.
9. Conclusion
• Recap and call to ac/on for poten/al investors and users.
This document is for informa1onal purposes only and does not
cons1tute an offer or solicita1on to sell shares or securi1es in AZ BANC
SERVICES or any related or associated company. The AZ BANC SERVICES
tokens (ABS) are not intended to cons1tute securi1es in any jurisdic1on.
This document is not composed in accordance with, and is not subject
to, laws or regula1ons of any jurisdic1on which are designed to protect
Some statements, es1mates, and financial informa1on contained within
this whitepaper cons1tute forward-looking statements or informa1on.
Such forward-looking statements or informa1on involve known and
unknown risks and uncertain1es which may cause actual events or
results to differ materially from the es1mates or the results implied or
expressed in such forward-looking statements.
The value of ABS tokens is subject to market fluctua1ons and there is no
guarantee that ABS tokens can be sold for a profit or that they will not
lose value. ABS tokens are intended for experts in dealing with
cryptographic tokens and blockchain-based soNware systems. Poten1al
purchasers should carefully consider the risks specified in this document
and, to the extent necessary, consult an appropriate lawyer, accountant,
or tax professional. If any of such risks materializes, certain ac1ons
should be taken, which includes the sale of ABS tokens. AZ BANC
SERVICES expressly disclaims any and all responsibility for any direct or
consequen1al loss or damage of any kind whatsoever arising directly or
indirectly from: (i) reliance on any informa1on contained in this
document, (ii) any error, omission or inaccuracy in any such informa1on
or (iii) any ac1on resul1ng therefrom.
Inves1ng in cryptocurrency and trading on the AZ BANC SERVICES
plaSorm involves substan1al risk of loss and is not suitable for every
investor. The valua1on of cryptocurrencies and futures may fluctuate,
and, as a result, clients may lose more than their original investment.
2. Introduc,on
Revolu'onizing Finance with Crypto and Forex Integra'on
In the dynamic world of finance, the fusion of cryptocurrency and forex
trading represents a groundbreaking shiN towards a more inclusive,
efficient, and versa1le trading environment. AZ BANC SERVICES is at the
forefront of this revolu1on, offering a plaSorm where these two worlds
not only coexist but synergize to unlock unprecedented opportuni1es for
traders around the globe. Our mission is to empower investors by
providing a seamless, secure, and sophis1cated environment where the
agility of cryptocurrencies and the depth of forex markets converge to
create a new paradigm of financial empowerment.
Advantages of Automated Trading with AI
The advent of ar1ficial intelligence (AI) in trading has transformed the
landscape, offering tools that can analyze vast amounts of data,
recognize paVerns, and execute trades with precision and speed that
surpass human capabili1es. AZ BANC SERVICES leverages cuWng-edge AI
technology to offer automated trading solu1ons that minimize risks,
op1mize investment returns, and open up new trading strategies that
were previously inaccessible to individual traders. Our AI-driven plaSorm
is designed to cater to both novice and experienced traders, providing a
level of support, efficiency, and accuracy that sets a new standard in the
Balancing the Benefits and Risks of Algorithmic Trading
While algorithmic trading offers numerous advantages, including
reduced costs, faster execu1on, and the elimina1on of emo1onal
decision-making, it also introduces certain risks and complexi1es. AZ
BANC SERVICES is commiVed to balancing these benefits and risks
through a combina1on of rigorous back tes1ng, con1nuous monitoring,
and transparent risk management strategies. Our plaSorm is designed to
educate and protect our users, ensuring they are well-informed about
the poten1al downsides of algorithmic trading and equipped with the
tools to manage them effec1vely.
3. AZ BANC SERVICES: A Proven Success
At AZ BANC SERVICES, we pride ourselves not just on our innova1ve
plaSorm but on the real-world success and posi1ve feedback we've
received from our community. Below are case studies and tes1monials
that showcase the transforma1ve power of integra1ng cryptocurrency
and forex trading on our plaSorm.
Case Study 1: The RevoluConary Impact of AI Trading Bots
John Doe, a seasoned forex trader, had limited experience with
cryptocurrency. Hesitant to dive into crypto trading due to its vola1lity,
John decided to use AZ BANC SERVICES's AI Trading Bot. Within months,
he saw a significant improvement in his trading strategy.
"Before AZ BANC, I stuck to what I knew: forex. The vola1lity of crypto
made me nervous. But the AI Trading Bot changed everything. It analyzed
paVerns and executed trades at speeds I couldn't match manually. My
porSolio has grown more in the last six months than it did in the previous
year. The combina1on of forex stability and crypto growth has been a
game-changer for me."
Case Study 2: Empowering Novice Traders through
EducaCon and Community
Maria Smith, new to trading, was drawn to AZ BANC SERVICES for its
educa1onal resources and community features. Star1ng with basic
tutorials, she quickly gained confidence and began ac1vely trading.
"I was completely new to trading when I joined AZ BANC. The educa1onal
resources were invaluable, and the sense of community was
empowering. I started with small trades, and with guidance from the
community and the plaSorm's tools, I've built a diversified porSolio. It's
not just about the profits; it's about feeling confident and informed in my
TesCmonial: Bridging the Gap with Crypto ATMs
Alex Kim, a cryptocurrency enthusiast, highlights the convenience of
conver1ng digital currencies to fiat through AZ BANC Crypto ATMs.
"The Crypto ATMs were a game-changer for me. The ability to easily
convert my digital currency into fiat without going through complicated
processes is incredible. It's not just the convenience; it's how it
symbolizes what AZ BANC is all about: making the crypto world
accessible to everyone."
4. AZ BANC Trading Pla9orm
The AZ BANC trading plaSorm is designed to cater to both novice and
experienced traders by providing a comprehensive suite of tools and
features. Our focus is on delivering a user-friendly experience while
maintaining advanced capabili1es for those looking to dive deeper into
the trading world. Here's what makes our plaSorm stand out:
4.1. Dashboard and Mobile App Func,onality
Our plaSorm's dashboard is intui1vely designed to provide traders with
a comprehensive overview of the market at a glance. Real-1me data,
analy1cs, and personalized trading insights are accessible through both
our web plaSorm and mobile app, ensuring traders can make informed
decisions any1me, anywhere. The mobile app features push
no1fica1ons for market movements, trade execu1on, and updates on
the performance of your porSolio, making it an indispensable tool for
the modern trader.
4.2. Details on Algorithmic Trading Solu,ons
AZ BANC SERVICES harnesses the power of ar1ficial intelligence to offer
sophis1cated algorithmic trading solu1ons. Our algorithms are
designed to analyze market trends, predict price movements, and
execute trades at op1mal 1mes, maximizing profitability while
minimizing risk. Traders can customize these algorithms based on their
risk tolerance and investment goals, giving them control over their
trading strategies.
4.3. Community Trading Pool Features
One of the unique aspects of our plaSorm is the Community Trading
Pool. This feature allows traders to pool resources and collec1vely
par1cipate in trading opportuni1es that would be out of reach for
individual investors. Managed by experienced traders and powered by
our AI algorithms, the Community Trading Pool aims to democra1ze
trading, offering lower risk and poten1ally higher returns through
diversified investments.
4.4. Exclusive Membership Benefits for Early Supporters
Early supporters of AZ BANC SERVICES are rewarded with exclusive
membership benefits. These include reduced trading fees, early access
to new features and trading tools, and invita1ons to private trading
events and webinars. Our early supporters are invaluable to our
community, and we con1nuously look for ways to acknowledge their
trust and contribu1on to our plaSorm's growth.
4.5. Auto trading Features and Services
Our auto trading services are designed for traders who seek to
automate their trading strategy fully. With customizable criteria for
trade entries and exits, our auto trading feature can operate 24/7,
ensuring no opportunity is missed. Whether it's following market
trends or execu1ng complex trading strategies, our auto trading service
simplifies the trading process, allowing traders to focus on strategy
op1miza1on and risk management.
5. Why Invest in AZ BANC SERVICES?
Inves1ng in AZ BANC SERVICES presents a unique opportunity to
par1cipate in the forefront of financial innova1on, where the
integra1on of cryptocurrency and forex markets creates a new realm of
trading possibili1es. Our plaSorm is designed not only to adapt to the
evolving digital economy but to lead it, providing investors with a
strategic advantage in both markets. Below, we discuss the key aspects
that make inves1ng in AZ BANC SERVICES, par1cularly through our ABS
token, a compelling proposi1on.
5.1. Token Profitability and Returns
The ABS token is engineered to be at the core of the AZ BANC SERVICES
ecosystem, offering mul1ple avenues for profitability and returns to its
• Reduced Trading Fees: ABS token holders benefit from
significantly reduced fees on trades executed on the plaSorm,
lowering the cost of trading opera1ons and enhancing
• Staking Rewards: By staking ABS tokens, investors can earn
passive income. The staking program is designed to reward longterm holders, providing an annual percentage yield (APY) on
tokens staked within the plaSorm.
• Exclusive Access to Advanced Features: Holding ABS tokens
grants exclusive access to advanced trading tools and features,
including early access to new algorithmic trading solu1ons and
beta features before they are released to the broader user base.
• Par'cipa'on in Governance: ABS token holders have a say in the
plaSorm's future development, with vo1ng rights on key
decisions, including new feature implementa1ons and
adjustments to trading protocols.
• Token Apprecia'on Poten'al: The economic model of the ABS
token is designed to encourage apprecia1on in value. Factors
contribu1ng to this include limited supply with a fixed total
issuance, token burn mechanisms reducing the total supply over
1me, and increasing demand driven by plaSorm growth and the
expanding use cases for the token.
• Liquidity and Exchange Listings: Efforts to ensure the ABS token is
listed on major exchanges will enhance liquidity, making it easier
for investors to buy and sell the token. This accessibility
contributes to the overall aVrac1veness of ABS as an investment
Inves1ng in AZ BANC SERVICES and the ABS token offers a mul1faceted
opportunity for returns, combining the poten1al for capital
apprecia1on with the benefits of passive income and reduced
opera1onal costs. Our commitment to innova1on, security, and user
empowerment posi1ons us uniquely in the market, making AZ BANC
SERVICES a compelling choice for investors looking to capitalize on the
synergy between cryptocurrency and forex trading.
6. AZ BANC Token (ABS)
The ABS token serves as the cornerstone of the AZ BANC SERVICES
ecosystem, designed to facilitate and incen1vize transac1ons,
par1cipa1on, and investment within the plaSorm. Here, we outline the
key aspects of the ABS token sale and its economic model.
6.1. ICO and Token Sale Informa,on
The Ini1al Coin Offering (ICO) for the ABS token is a pivotal event,
offering early investors the opportunity to par1cipate in the plaSorm's
growth. The ICO details are as follows:
ICO Start Date: [Insert Start Date]
ICO End Date: [Insert End Date]
Token Type: BEP-20 (Binance Smart Chain)
Total Tokens for Sale: [Insert Number] ABS (XX% of the total supply)
ICO Price: [Insert Price] per ABS token
Payment Accepted: ETH, BTC, BNB, and [Other Accepted
Minimum Purchase: [Insert Minimum Purchase]
Maximum Purchase: [Insert Maximum Purchase]
SoN Cap: [Insert SoN Cap]
Hard Cap: [Insert Hard Cap]
The ICO provides a structured opportunity for investors to purchase
ABS tokens at an ini1al rate before they are listed on exchanges.
6.2. ABS Token Alloca,on Plan
The total supply of ABS tokens is capped, ensuring scarcity and
poten1al value apprecia1on. The alloca1on is as follows:
Token Name: AZ Banc Services
Symbol: ABS
Chain: BEP20
Decimal: 18
Supply: 210 million
Adviser & Partnership: 0.25%
ITCL: 0.25%
NTCL: 0.50%
Growth Fund: 2%
Locked: 97% (Till 31.12.2026)
This alloca1on is designed to support the plaSorm’s long-term
development, liquidity, and ecosystem growth.
6.3. Token Pricing Strategy
The pricing strategy for the ABS token is based on a comprehensive
analysis of the market, compe11ve posi1oning, and the intrinsic value
of the services and features it enables on the plaSorm. The ICO pricing
is set to reflect both the current value and future growth poten1al of
the plaSorm.
6.4. Crowd sale Distribu,on Details
The crowd sale will be conducted in phases, with incen1ves for early
par1cipants, including bonus tokens and 1ered pricing, to reward early
support and investment into the plaSorm. The distribu1on details are
structured to ensure a wide distribu1on of tokens, fostering a robust
and decentralized community of holders and users.
Phase 1: Early Bird Bonus
Phase 2: Standard Rate
Phase 3: Final Call (no bonus)
Post-ICO, the ABS token will be made available on several leading
exchanges, facilita1ng liquidity and enabling broader access for traders
and investors.
7. Roadmap
The roadmap for AZ BANC SERVICES is designed to guide our journey
towards becoming the leading plaSorm in the integra1on of
cryptocurrency and forex trading. Our phased approach ensures that
we are constantly evolving, mee1ng the needs of our users, and staying
ahead of market trends.
Q2 2024: Official Launch
• Launch of the AZ BANC SERVICES plaSorm.
• Introduc1on of basic trading func1onali1es and AI trading bots.
• Start of the ICO for the ABS token.
Q3 2024: Security and Expansion
• Implementa1on of advanced security protocols to protect user
data and funds.
• Expansion of cryptocurrency and forex trading pairs available on
the plaSorm.
• Introduc1on of mobile app for iOS and Android devices.
Q4 2024: Community Growth
• Launch of the Community Trading Pool feature.
• First round of exclusive webinars and training sessions for early
• Implementa1on of the staking program for ABS tokens.
Q1 2025: Ecosystem Enhancement
• Integra1on of educa1onal resources and community features to
foster learning and engagement.
• Enhancement of algorithmic trading solu1ons with new AI
• Partnerships with key financial ins1tu1ons and crypto exchanges
to increase liquidity and trading op1ons.
Q2 2025: Global Accessibility
• Deployment of AZ BANC Crypto ATMs in major ci1es worldwide.
• Launch of mul1-language support to cater to a global audience.
• Introduc1on of exclusive membership benefits for ABS token
Q3 2025: Pla9orm Innova,on
• Release of advanced trading tools and features based on
community feedback.
• Expansion into new markets and financial instruments beyond
crypto and forex.
• Hos1ng of the first AZ BANC SERVICES global trading compe11on.
Q4 2025 and Beyond: Con,nuous Improvement and
• Ongoing op1miza1on of the plaSorm for scalability and
• Con1nuous update of security measures to combat emerging
• Further development of the ABS ecosystem, including addi1onal
u1li1es for the token.
• Regular assessment and adapta1on of the plaSorm to meet
regulatory changes and standards.
As we progress, we remain commiVed to transparency, innova1on, and
the con1nuous enhancement of our plaSorm to secure its place at the
forefront of financial technology.
8. Legal Aspects
In the rapidly evolving landscape of cryptocurrency and forex trading,
regulatory compliance is paramount. AZ BANC SERVICES is commiVed
to adhering to the highest standards of legal and regulatory
requirements across all jurisdic1ons in which we operate. This
commitment is founda1onal to our mission, ensuring the security,
integrity, and reliability of our plaSorm.
Compliance with Regula,ons
• Know Your Customer (KYC) and An'-Money Laundering (AML):
We implement stringent KYC and AML procedures to prevent illicit
ac1vi1es and ensure the integrity of transac1ons on our plaSorm.
This includes iden1ty verifica1on processes and ongoing
monitoring of transac1ons.
• Securi'es Laws: The ABS token has been designed and structured
to comply with applicable securi1es laws. We have conducted
thorough legal analyses to ensure that the ABS token does not
cons1tute a security in its intended jurisdic1ons, focusing on
u1lity within the plaSorm rather than specula1ve investment.
• Data Protec'on: Adhering to global standards for data protec1on,
including the General Data Protec1on Regula1on (GDPR) in the
European Union, we ensure that our users' privacy and data are
protected through state-of-the-art security measures and data
handling prac1ces.
• Cross-Border Compliance: Recognizing the global nature of
cryptocurrency and forex trading, AZ BANC SERVICES works with
legal advisors in each jurisdic1on to ensure compliance with local
regula1ons, including trading laws, tax obliga1ons, and repor1ng
Legal Framework
Our legal framework is designed to provide a secure and reliable
founda1on for all plaSorm ac1vi1es. This includes:
• Smart Contract Audits: All smart contracts associated with the
ABS token and trading opera1ons undergo rigorous audi1ng by
reputable third-party firms to ensure security and compliance
with best prac1ces.
• Regulatory Engagement: We proac1vely engage with regulatory
bodies and par1cipate in industry associa1ons to stay ahead of
regulatory changes, advocate for fair regula1ons, and contribute
to shaping the future of digital asset trading.
• Consumer Protec'on: Consumer protec1on is at the heart of our
legal framework. We implement measures to ensure
transparency, fairness, and accountability in all our opera1ons,
providing users with the resources and support they need to trade
confidently and responsibly.
Our ongoing commitment to legal excellence and regulatory
compliance underscores our dedica1on to fostering a sustainable and
responsible trading ecosystem.
9. Conclusion
At AZ BANC SERVICES, we stand at the forefront of financial innova1on,
merging the dynamic worlds of cryptocurrency and forex trading into a
cohesive, user-friendly plaSorm. Our mission is to empower traders
and investors by providing a secure, efficient, and versa1le trading
environment, enhanced by the latest in AI technology and supported by
a strong legal and regulatory framework.
Our Commitment
We are commiVed to:
• Delivering unparalleled security and user experience.
• Offering sophis1cated AI-driven trading tools and educa1onal
• Building a community where traders can grow, share, and succeed
• Ensuring compliance and opera1onal integrity across all
The Future with AZ BANC SERVICES
The journey we've outlined in this whitepaper is just the beginning. As
we move forward, we remain dedicated to con1nuous innova1on,
plaSorm enhancement, and expanding our offerings to meet the
evolving needs of our users. Our roadmap reflects our ambi1on not
only to grow AZ BANC SERVICES but to revolu1onize the way the world
Join Us
We invite you to join us in this exci1ng journey. Whether you're a
seasoned trader, a curious newcomer, or a poten1al investor, AZ BANC
SERVICES offers a unique opportunity to be part of a plaSorm that's
seWng new standards in the integra1on of cryptocurrency and forex
• For Investors: The ABS token sale presents a strategic investment
opportunity in a plaSorm poised for significant growth. By
inves1ng in ABS, you're not just buying a token; you're becoming
part of a community dedicated to reshaping the future of finance.
• For Traders: Our plaSorm offers advanced, AI-powered trading
solu1ons, educa1onal resources, and a collabora1ve community
to support your trading journey, regardless of your experience
• For Everyone: We believe in the transforma1ve power of our
plaSorm and invite you to learn more, explore our features, and
consider how AZ BANC SERVICES can empower your financial
Take the Next Step
Visit our website, sign up for our newsleVer, and join our community
on social media and our Telegram group to stay updated on our
progress, upcoming ICO, and how you can be part of the revolu1on that
Together, let's embark on a journey towards financial empowerment,
innova1on, and success.