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Dynasty Coin

(3 reviews)
(3 reviews)
Site Rank: 241

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1 | $ D N Y

List of Contents

Abstract .....................................................................................................................3

CHAPTER 1. Current Blockchain System.............................................................. 6

1.1 General Blockchain vs Complex Business Scenarios......................................6

1.2 Processing Performance Limitations..............................................................7

1.3 Data Complexity and Repetition ....................................................................7

1.4 Protocol Update Dilemma..............................................................................7

1.5 Delayed Breakthrough for Cross-Chain Communication ...............................7

1.6 Block Inflation ................................................................................................8

CHAPTER 2. DYNASTY COIN CHAIN OVERVIEW................................................... 9

2.1 Selayang Pandang PT Digital ARthaloka Nusantara ($DNY)................................9

2.1.1 Dynasty Coin ($DNY).........................................................................................10

2.1.2 Problems In Crypto Investment ........................................................................10

2.2 Company Profile...................................................................................................10

2.3 Organizational Structure ......................................................................................11

2.4 Vision and mission of the company .....................................................................12

2.5 Solusion ...............................................................................................................13

2.6 Potential Profits for $DNY Investors.....................................................................13

2.7 PT Digital Arthaloka Nusantara Working Partner (Dynasty Coin - $DNY)............13

CHAPTER 3 MAIN PURPOSE OF DYNASTY COIN CHAIN........................................ 17

3.1 Company Business Plan .......................................................................................17

3.1.1 Purpose of Use of Funds...................................................................................17 Increase the value of protective assets..........................................................17

2 | $ D N Y Buy or create a coin exchanger in Indonesia, for Original Indonesian Coins and Tokens

....................................................................................................................................17 Issuing Coins for start-ups and MSMEs who need working capital

(Tokenization)............................................................................................................18 Investment into digital business start-ups including the creation of NFTs for communities

in the Nusantara group ecosystem that have potential.............................................19

3.2 Underlying and Issuing Coin Company ................................................................19

3.3 Company Schedule Plan ......................................................................................20

3.4 Why Choose DYNASTY COIN ($DNY)....................................................................21

3.5 Tokenomics ..........................................................................................................22

CHAPTER 4 CLOSING & DISCLAIMER .................................................................. 23

4.1 Closing .................................................................................................................23

4.2 Disclaimer.............................................................................................................23

3 | $ D N Y


In last several years, the Blockchain community has experienced very rapid development. Since

Bitcoin Satoshi emerged as a secure and decentralized Peer-to-Peer transfer mechanism, the

concept of decentralized cryptocurrencies became mainstream and transformed the world of

finance more efficient and democratic. Ethereum then expanded on that idea with the successful

implementation of multi-purpose “smart contracts", unleashing Blockchain's potential into a wide

range of applications and industries. As a result, many alternative crypto assets are built on top

of this Blockchain. But the boundary between the Blockchain community and the business world

is yet to be implemented. We believe we have reached a turning point in Blockchain, with the

next phase leading to the integration of Blockchain and the physical business world, and definitely

bringing solid digital assets that are assets of productive economic value. To enter the new

paradigm of Blockchain, there needs to be a versatile Operating System designed to meet the

needs commercial The chain must overcome three main challenges:

1. Blockchains currently are not scalable, as the performance of a single node/mining

machine determines the performance of the entire system.

2. Blockchains currently do not separate resources for different smart contracts, which

causes interference between smart contract executions.

3. Blockchains currently do not have a predefined Consensus Protocol to adopt updates

or adapt to new technologies.

This whitepaper introduces a highly efficient Blockchain architecture that combines the most

advanced IT design principles and technologies to bring Blockchain to commercial standards. We

envision it creating a “business ecosystem” for Blockchain. We focus on defining and providing

the most basic and important system components to develop and make significant improvements

to existing chains in the market. This system allows developers to customize the chain to meet

their own needs, especially commercial requirements for various industries. It will contain the

following main features:

4 | $ D N Y

a) Multi-layer MainChain and SideChain to handle various commercial scenarios. One

chain is designed for one use case, distributing different tasks across multiple

chains and increasing processing efficiency

b) Communication with external blockchain systems

c) Partial processing for non-computing transactions and cloud-based services

d) The basic components of block and genesis smart contract collection are feasible

for each Chain to reduce data complexity and achieve higher customization

e) Permission for stakeholders to approve protocol amendments, including

redefining the Consensus Protocol; Permit SideChains to join or leave MainChains

dynamically based on the Consensus Protocol, and thereby introduce competition

and incentives to improve each SideChain.

The blockchain architecture offered by Dynasty Coin Chain will be an adaptive solution in the

world of industry, business and commerce. An approach to the real business world is considered

to be more desirable without changing the characteristics of the blockchain itself. Dynasty Coin

Chain is a bridge towards implementing blockchain into the real world of business.

5 | $ D N Y


Blockchain technology and its applications are growing exponentially. Many industries are

migrating from traditional network architectures to Blockchain-based network architectures.

However, the current Blockchain system is not yet capable or efficient enough to function as a

multipurpose operating system to support many applications. Bitcoin (a pioneering blockchain

design) is more like an app. Ethereum already exhibits some characteristics of an Operating

System – developers can program applications via smart contracts, and Chain provides a

programming language along with an “adapter” in the form of Solidity. However, from the

perspective of modern Operating Systems, Ethereum still has some disadvantages, such as lack

of separation between system components, expensive transaction fees, lack of customization of

most modules, and inadequate system interface. In general, blockchain technology still faces

several major obstacles, including the following:

1.1 General Blockchain vs Complex Business Scenarios

The biggest challenge facing commercial-scale adoption of blockchain technology is its current

inability to meet the requirements of diverse and complex business scenarios. Naturally, different

scenarios often have different characteristics in terms of logic, process, and execution, and

therefore require different solutions. Therefore, the “one size fits all” blockchain approach

commonly used today is definitely not appropriate, especially if blockchain is to be successful in

the future.

For example, a high level of transaction speed is desired in the system, while digital legal contracts

emphasize high security and reliability over speed. It makes absolutely no sense to build around

the same chain.

There are two solutions to this problem:


Use Blockchain only as a database that does not deal with business logic. This approach

aims to handle any business scenario and maintain compatibility. Many chains similar to

Bitcoin use this approach. They record business-related data and hash it into the

transaction output “OP_RETURN”, which is stored on the Blockchain.


6 | $ D N Y

Record multiple complex smart contracts into a single Blockchain. These smart contracts

serve pre-defined business models from various scenarios. Ethereum represents this type

of chain. Due to the fact that all smart contracts are written on a single chain, blockchain

is too complicated, requires high maintenance costs, and does not have an effective

structure for running smart contracts.

1.2 Processing Performance Limitations

As Blockchain becomes more and more widely used, especially for handling large-scale

transactions, its transaction processing capacity faces tremendous pressure when using

sequential processing, resulting in network performance bottlenecks. Blockchain systems

currently face many challenges to increase capacity, sometimes at the expense of transaction

efficiency. For example, Bitcoin transaction fees are getting more expensive as transaction

volumes increase and large backlogs await confirmation. Ethereum is facing an increasing amount

of congestion during token sales. On the other hand, the concept of parallel processing has not

been adopted to improve efficiency, especially when a block contains large amounts of

transaction data and complex smart contracts, sequential transactions have reached the end of

efficiency and block verification is in a “very long queue”.

1.3 Data Complexity and Repetition

As explained in part 1, one universal blockchain cannot be used to meet the needs of complex

business scenarios. There are many disadvantages, especially smart contracts and consensus

protocols that are too complicated; Lack of customized solutions for specific business scenarios;

and excessive repetition of data.

1.4 Protocol Update Dilemma

Although blockchain adoption is increasing, it is still in its nascent stage. There are still many

technological improvements and innovations that have not been implemented. These updates

are important to develop the blockchain and keep up with the changing environment and

stakeholder interests. The diversity of stakeholders in an ecosystem typically makes it difficult to

achieve consensus without effective governance mechanisms, leading recent Protocol updates to

deadlock or contention. Take Bitcoin for example, as the community has found it difficult to reach

agreement on the introduction of many new features in recent years.

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1.5 Delayed Breakthrough for Cross-Chain Communication

Existing Blockchain systems have experimented with cross-chain communication to process

related business logic. However, the results were less than satisfactory. Current cross-chain

communication includes centralized mechanisms and non-centralized mechanisms. Centralized

mechanisms deviate from the idea of blockchain, and lead to lack of trust, single node failure,

single node bottlenecks, and are only applicable to certain scenarios. Meanwhile, non-centralized

mechanisms (decentralized according to the blockchain concept) can also only handle certain

scenarios, such as asset exchange, and impose strict requirements on the protocol and Consensus

Protocol of the communication chain. Implementation of such mechanisms is usually complex. As

a result, it is very important to address two crucial issues: Protocol compatibility and data

exchange format compatibility.

1.6 Block Inflation

The more successful a blockchain system is, the higher its maintenance costs. Running a full

Bitcoin node currently requires more than 130Gb of space, and Ethereum requires more than

180Gb. This situation will not be improved in the future. As more users adopt Blockchain and

perform more transaction activities, Block inflation will increase and maintenance costs will grow

higher. Action must be taken to reduce this.


2.1 PT Digital Arthaloka Nusantara ($DNY) at a Glance

PT Digital Arthaloka Nusantara ($DNY) is a company founded in the city of Salatiga on June 22

2023. The initiation of $DNY began 15 years ago, starting with the establishment of the financialbased Bahana Lintas Nusantara (BLN) Cooperative. The separation of business lines and business

development in various sectors was carried out by the parent company, Nusantara Group and

made it into an independent subsidiary as it is today. $DNY will become a company that owns

digital coins, as well as a company that offers its services to various businesses that want to carry

out tokenization.

8 | $ D N Y

Dynasty Coin is a blockchain ecosystem that aims to connect kingdoms around the world with

innovative blockchain technology. Our project provides an opportunity for kingdoms to harness

the potential of blockchain technology to increase efficiency, transparency and financial inclusion

in their territories.

Blockchain technology for $DNY is the future in the digital world. This technology, which started

in 2011, is increasingly attracting market interest and one day will become the basis for much

digital data and asset processing. The emergence of NFT (Non Fungible Coin), Decentralized

Finance (DEFI), and various new developments in the world of Blockchain certainly ensure that

this is a future that starts today. It's just that $DNY doesn't want to enter "carelessly" into this

world. $DNY ensures that the crypto assets created and owned by $DNY have an appropriate

underlying value and are safe for the people who purchase them.

This makes $DNY create a coin called Dynasty Coin ($DNY) which is based on ownership of fixed

assets as the underlying. Dynasty Coin ($DNY) will be a pioneer in the tokenization process in

order to carry out cultural preservation, renovation, and introduce Royal culture in the Java region

to local and overseas audiences to become an ecotourism destination in Indonesia, not only using

crypto assets as a means investment and speculation, but making crypto assets like holding part

of the ownership of a company. The existence of this underlying also means that crypto assets do

not move freely like they are without basis and only based on rumors. Dynasty Coin ($DNY) will

also move based on the fundamentals of the ecosystem of companies under the auspices of the

Nusantara Group.

2.1.1 Dynasty Coin ($DNY)

Dynasty Coin ($DNY) is the first Coin created by PT Digital Arthaloka Nusantara ($DNY) to include

a productive asset as a hedge for the value of the Coin. With the existence of an asset that

protects the value of this Coin, it is hoped that it can provide a sense of security for investments

made by investors or buyers of Coin Dynasty Coin ($DNY).

This form of protection is implemented in a binding smart contract, where Coin holders have the

option to convert Dynasty Coin ($DNY) into a long-term investment (Staking Program) with

returns in accordance with the rules applied by the Dynasty Coin investment committee at PT

Digital Arthaloka Nusantara or Dynasty Coin ($DNY) this can be sold on the decentralized market

via LAToken or Centralized Crypto Exchange in Indonesia, which has a BAPPEBTI license.

9 | $ D N Y

2.1.2 Problems In Crypto Investment

The large number of coins that are sold freely using the Decentralized Finance (De-FI) method

and the absence of specific regulations governing cryptocurrencies makes this crypto

investment vulnerable and full of fraud.

2.2 Company Profile

Company Name : PT Digital Arthaloka Nusantara

Founded : 22 June 2023

Latest deed of Company : No. 07

Board of Management : Teofilus Gupita Adi Prasetya ST (President Director)

 Gusti Kanjeng Ratu Pakoe Boewono (President Commissioner)

NPWP : 39.509.592.0-526.000

NIB : 2607230207603

Token Supply : 999,999,999 $DNY

Website :

Github Link :

Token contract in explorer :

Tokenomics (link) :

First ICO : US$ 1 (satu dollar US$)

Facebook :

Twitter :

Telegram :

Discord :

Instagram :

10 | $ D N Y

2.3 Organizational Structure

In connection with the dynamics and development of the Company's organization, we announce

that the "man behind the gun" in this company is the Chairman of the Nusantara Group named

KPA Nicholas Nyoto Prasetyo.

KPA Nicholas, who was born 51 years ago and is better known as Mr.Nicho, is a financial

consultant and metaphysician who donated his life to help and provide answers to many people's

problems, and is the founder of the Bahana Lintas Nusantara Cooperative. Which has succeeded

in helping many people who have financial problems, which are shackled to them. With this

cooperative, Mr. Nicho has succeeded in establishing around 32 companies operating in various

sectors related to the benefit and welfare of many people, one of which is in the culinary and

mining sectors and his latest focus is in the digital finance sector. , by establishing Dynasty

11 | $ D N Y

Blockchain and its payment system, BLNPay, and it is in accordance with its life motto "Sugih

Together, Selamat Together" which inspired many people to follow it.

2.4 Vision and Mission of the Company

Vision :

Create a stable crypto market and enable anyone to own digital assets safely.

Mision :

1. Create a trusted crypto exchanger

2. Make crypto transactions easier and safer

3. Create an Indonesian crypto market using native Indonesian stable coins.

4. Assisting the Coin issuance/tokenization process for various businesses under the auspices of

the Nusantara Group, including creating NFT Coins for millennials, generation Z, & MSMEs.

5. Bringing the original Indonesian stable coin to the international world.

2.5 Solution

Dynasty Coin ($DNY) will be sold through the official Centralized Crypto Exchange in Indonesia

and the world. To be able to be traded on official exchangers in Indonesia, Dynasty Coin ($DNY)

will first be analyzed through a whitelisted process at Bappebti. Dynasty Coin ($DNY) will also

include an underlying asset that protects the value of the Coin as outlined in a binding smart


2.6 Potential Profits for $DNY Investors

1. From the profits of each business pillar which will be distributed via airdrop to

Dynasty Coin ($DNY) holders

2. Increase in the price of Dynasty Coin on the market

3. The underlying value continues to increase

2.7 PT Digital Arthaloka Nusantara Working Partner (Dynasty Coin - $DNY)

Currently, there are several $DNY Partners that have the potential to be developed in digital and

conventional businesses:

12 | $ D N Y

A. Several subsidiaries under the auspices of the Nusantara Group

Details of the companies under the auspices of the Nusantara Group:

1) Koperasi Bahana Lintas Nusantara : Primary/Service Cooperatives (Central Java Province

Cooperative Service)

2) PT Digital Arthaloka Nusantara : Dynasty Coin (999,999,999 coin), Staking Program (2

years locking period)

3) PT Embun Segar Nusantara : Bugarovit (MLM), Drinking Water, red rice seed flour,

13 | $ D N Y

4) PT Embun Pagi Nusantara : Drinking Water Factory in Brongkol Village, Banyubiru,

Semarang in collaboration with Inkopad (Tenindo Brand)

5) PT Nusantara Mobilindo : Car showroom (Boyolali & Madiun)

6) PT Prioritas Indo Raya : Trading business/investment, on DEX. Office in the Graha

Prioritas Building, Jl. Slamet Riyadi no. 302, Surakarta

7) PT Graha Loka Nusantara : Property developer. Office on Jl. Mojosongo logerit, no. 87,

Gatak, Boyolali

8) PT Herbal Nusantara Hayati : Herbal based Health Products. Office in Wonogiri

9) PT Dipa Nusa Alam : Mining consultant/contractor/general trading company, Iron sand


10) PT Suwandra Tour : Umrah & Hajj travel tour company

11) PT Kukus Dwipa Nusantara : Cigar/Cigarette Company, Office in Salatiga

12) PT Dynasty Nusantara Sukses : MLM product, Etawa Goat Milk

13) PT Manggala Karya Nusantara : IKN National Strategic Project Contractor. Office in


14) PT Bhirawa Karya Nusantara : Western Tool Provider. Office in Gatak, Boyolali

15) PT Nusantara Jaya Supplies : Hotel & Restaurant Supplier

16) PT Nusantara Agro Hayati : The company collaborates with Sebelas Maret University

(UNS), Surakarta, Cooperation in the field of food security, especially Agriculture, Organic


17) PT Wana Artha Nusantara : Perkenunan Company, Forest Service Collaboration


18) PT Artha Boga Nusantara : Selera Nusantara & Dynasty Cozy Restaurant (Boyolali,

Wonogiri, & Salatiga)

14 | $ D N Y

19) PT Kartika Mitra Nusantara : Drinking Water Company with Inkopad

20) PT Baruna Mina Nusantara : Fish Exports to China, Office in Cilacap

21) Yayasan Cahaya Terang Kasih Nusantara (Foundation): CSR Program

22) PT Sinar Nusantara : Gold & Diamond Shop

23) PT Nusantara Stable : Australian Horse Farm, in Semarang

24) PT Klinik Sehat Nusantara : Health Clinic in Boyolali

25) PT Kharisma Nusantara Spa & Beauty : Guest House in Jogjakarta

26) PT Nusantara Mart : Mini Mart in Kebumen

27) Pusat Kerajinan dan UMKM Nusantara – Boyolali

28) PT Central Berkah Amanah : MLM Company in Solo (Stamina)

29) PT Lintas Nusantara Media : TV & Social Media

30) PT Lintas Nusa Travelindo : Tour & Travel

31) Radio Bahana Lintas Nusantara : Online Radio

B. Several Indonesian Crypto Communities

These partners will grow over time and Dynasty Coin ($DNY) will grow in the number of

holders and fundamental value of the company.



3.1 Company Business Plan

The funds collected from the sale of the $DNY Coin will later be used for:

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3.1.1 Purpose Use of Funds Increase the Value of Protective Assets

The assets that protect the value of Coin $DNY are several business companies under the auspices

of the Nusantara Group and also several assets belonging to the founders who helped guarantee

the value of Coin DYNASTY COIN ($DNY) at the beginning of its establishment. The value of this

asset will be increased by utilizing this land into more profitable agricultural land. PT Digital

Arthaloka Nusantara plans to cultivate agriculture and plantations to meet the large demand for

local and overseas needs. The existing land will currently be used for various agricultural needs

including ownership of gold mines and quartz markets. One of the Nusantara Group companies

has set up a mineral water factory so that the results are suitable for distribution and sale in the

Indonesian market. Mineral water factories can have a positive impact on the surrounding

environment. Buy or make a Coin exchanger in Indonesia, for original Indonesian Coins and Tokens

Public interest in crypto investment in Indonesia has begun to increase significantly in Indonesia,

especially since the government recognized crypto as a digital asset that has become a trading

commodity. Data released by the Ministry of Trade shows that every day the total value of crypto

transactions reaches IDR 1.5 trillion, and this is also reinforced by the increasing ability of the

nation's children who are able to create their own coins.

With this increasing public enthusiasm, PT Digital Arthaloka Nusantara (Dynasty Coin) intends to

establish an exchanger that can accommodate and distribute coins created by the nation's

children and also make crypto investments easily accessible to investors who want to invest in


Different from other exchangers in Indonesia, PT Digital Arthaloka Nusantara (Dynasty Coin) will

also be an exchanger that can accommodate the underlying assets of Coin creators who want to

register their Coins accompanied by underlying assets so that PT Digital Arthaloka Nusantara

(Dynasty Coin) is not only become an exchanger that facilitates coins in general, but PT Digital

Arthaloka Nusantara (Dynasty Coin) will facilitate coins that have an underlying.

16 | $ D N Y Issuing Coins for Start Ups and MSMEs Who Need Working Capital(Tokenization)

In May 2021, Indonesia was ranked 5th in the number of startups in the world. The number of

MSMEs in Indonesia is no less fantastic, reaching 65 million in 2018. Of these, not a few startup

companies and MSMEs need funds to start or develop their business.

PT Digital Arthaloka Nusantara (Dynasty Coin) can help startups and MSMEs by issuing Coins to

raise funds / capital in addition to debt. Investment Into Digital Business Start Ups Including NFT Creation for Commnities in

the Nusantara Group Ecosystem that Have Potential.

Dynasty Coin ($DNY) has now entered the digital startup business even though it is still in its

early stages. By entering digital business, Dynasty Coin ($DNY) can also maximize the potential

of blockchain which can be developed into various industries. Apart from that, Dynasty Coin

($DNY) can also use its Coin as a medium of exchange in the various digital ecosystems that

have been created. One of them currently being developed is a billion gold business called

Nusantara Gold Token, where the gold stable token has an underlying real world asset (RWA),

such as a gold mine owned by the Nusantara Group and in collaboration with a gold printing

factory, eaten by gold holders. This stable token can redeem/exchange the token into physical

gold bullion through collaboration with gold bullion outlets, such as: Galery24, PT Pegadaian

(Persero), and Sinar Nusantara

3.2 Underlying and Issuing Coin Company

Currently PT Digital Arthaloka Nusantara has the following fixed assets: Buildings & Gold Mining

in the Central Kalimantan area

Disclaimer :

All registered assets are still privately owned and, their ownership will be legally processed, so

that they become legally owned by Dynasty Coin ($DNY). This will mean that Dynasty Coin ($DNY)

has a hedge of all the coins it owns.

17 | $ D N Y

3.3 Company Schedule Plan

22 June 2023

PT Digital Arthaloka Nusantara


15 November 2023 – Present

Private Sales / PRE ICO DYNASTY


 27 November 2023 – Present

Consolidation period for DYNASTY COIN

($DNY) and heading to ICO Listing

@LAToken (Dex)

Januari 2024

IEO DYNASTY COIN ($DNY) @, Singapore –

Global Crypto Exchange

Maret 2024

Finish Establishing / Rebranding Local

Exchanger and start preparing Local

Coinization Utility

18 | $ D N Y

April 2024

Listing Dynasty Coin ($DNY)

@Indonesia Crypto Exchange,

licensed BAEPPEBTI.

Mei 2024

Listing Dynasty Coin ($DNY) @Probit


Juni 2024

Listing Dynasty Coin ($DNY) to the

market abroad

Juli 2024

Expand the Tokenization business in

Indonesia, so we will be able to publish

more world class stable Coins

Desember 2024

Become a digital currency with

with strong and stable assets

19 | $ D N Y

3.4 Why Choose Dynasty Coin ($DNY)

From the start, Dynasty Coin ($DNY) has proclaimed itself as the most popular coin in Indonesia

which has an underlying asset, besides that $DNY itself is a legal entity that is valid and recognized

in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. Until now, there is no Coin or what we know as

Cryptocurrency in Indonesia that actually has assets in the real world as a protector for Coin


By having a Fixed asset as an underlying, the value of the Coin will be protected from the

possibility of it becoming ZERO, or having no value at all. Apart from that, DYNASTY COIN ($DNY)'s

decision to first list on CEX (Centralized Exchanger) will certainly be a strong reason that will make

this coin liquid and can be bought and sold anywhere.

Talking about anywhere, $DNY is committed to its road map, not only listing on Indonesian

exchanges, but also listing on exchanges in various countries. With this commitment, it will

certainly make DYNASTY COIN ($DNY) the most liquid native Indonesian coin to trade.

This should be a clear reason why Coin DYNASTY COIN $DNY can be a digital asset choice that is

worth owning. Not just ordinary coins, but coins that really have value in the real world.

3.5 Tokenomics

The distribution of DYNASTY COIN ($DNY) is as follows:

• 20% allocated to Investors

• 10% allocated for PRE ICO and ICO

• 60% allocated to Internal Ecosystem

• 10% allocated to Team and Advisors

Coin allocation will be done as follows:

• 10% of Coins will be left in the Public with a loose composition of 5% PRE ICO and 5% ICO


Investor PRE ICO & ICO

Ekosistem Internal Team & Advisors

20 | $ D N Y

• 20% will be given the opportunity to be owned by outside investors

• 60% allocated to 23,000 members in the DYNASTY COIN ecosystem and outside ecosystem

• The remaining 10% of Coins will be retained by the developer, not sold to the public with the

distribution within the developer as follows:

1. 5% of Coins are held by the Founders

2. 3% of Coins held by stake holders

3. The remaining 2% of Coins are held by the Developer

Fund allocation is carried out as follows:

a. Fund Target to be achieved:

Pre ICO:

• Soft Cap : Rp.,-

• Hard Cap : Rp.,-


• Soft Cap : Rp,-

• Hard Cap : Rp,-

b. 50% of funds from PRE ICO and ICO proceeds will be allocated for the acquisition of Fixed

assets as an Investment Hedge.

c. 40% of funds from PRE ICO and ICO proceeds will be allocated for developing existing

businesses, businesses being run, among others:

• Conventional Business

For Conventional Businesses, Dynasty Coin ($DNY) will utilize the agricultural

& plantation areas it owns in a more structured manner and modernize

plantations so that results will be maximized.

21 | $ D N Y

• Digital Business

By utilizing the founders' existing connections, Dynasty Coin ($DNY) will also

invest in several digital companies that support the performance of the

Nusantara Group Companies themselves. Among other things, the initial goal

was to create a Crypto asset exchanger in Indonesia, where this exchanger

would help local coins that would be listed as products of tokenization..

• Digital-based start up and MSMe Business

Dynasty Coin ($DNY) will help digital startups in Indonesia and help them to

“Go Digital”. Startup built by the founders of Dynasty Coin ($DNY) in Indonesia.

d. The remaining 10% of funds allocated from PRE ICO and ICO results will be used by the

Company's liquidity as operational costs, research and other activities necessary for the

progress of Dynasty Coin ($DNY)


4.1 Closing

In closing, Dynasty Coin ($DNY) has a clear vision and mission and combines the various skills and

experiences of its founders in carrying out all actions, so that the risks of the business being

undertaken can be measured and anticipated. Dynasty Coin ($DNY) is also committed to

advancing its business lines and making Coins liquid and stable in trading. The business

diversification carried out by Dynasty Coin ($DNY) is also one of the reasons for the measurable

risk sharing.

Finally, we hope that this whitepaper can be a clear guide in understanding the work plans and

policy direction of Dynasty Coin ($DNY). This whitepaper was created as an explanation to

Dynasty Coin ($DNY) holders and interested parties. If there are errors in this note, they will be

corrected at a later date.

22 | $ D N Y

4.2 Disclaimer

• The value of crypto can go up and down at any time so crypto investment is a risky

investment, this should make investors understand all the risks attached to this investment.

• This whitepaper is for information about the company, the company's activities and plans,

and is not a pamphlet or offer.

• The company plans stated in this whitepaper may change depending on but not limited to

the situation and conditions of the company, market, politics and the global world.

• Dynasty Coin ($DNY) is not sold in countries or regions where crypto trading is prohibited.

• PT Digital Arthaloka Nusantara (Dynasty Coin) is not responsible for the wallets held by each


• PT Digital Arthaloka Nusantara (Dynasty Coin) is not responsible for the loss of investor Coins

during delivery if the wallet address provided to PT Digital Arthaloka Nusantara (Dynasty

Coin) is inaccurate or incomplete.