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Their Official site text:


Darik's white paper



1. Abstract…………………………………………………………………………page 2

2. Introduction………………..……………………………………………………page 2

3. Definition of the problem….……………………………………………………page 2

4. Solution …………………………………………………………………………page 3

5. Removal of responsibility………………………………………………….……page 4

6. Target market…………………………………………………………...….……page 4

7. Darik specifications table………………………………………………….……page 5

8. Token creation in Darik.………………………………………………….….…page 5

9. Darik's token capital……………………………………………………….……page 6

10. Design and support team……………………………………………...….……page 6

11. How to calculate and value the same share……………………………………page 7

12. Road map…………………………………………………………...…….……page 7



Creating a platform for the exploitation of what is done in a free market and the way of

development for the people who are connected with it has been a binding process for us

so that we can use the available assets for the current conditions in the cryptocurrency

market. Let's use optimal exploitation and use it for our financial growth and those around

us. Some of our assets are subject to intangible depreciation due to lack of awareness or

lack of knowledge, and we should always be looking for a way to make the most of these

resources. This document is a solution for optimal use of existing capacities for growth

and development is in a world that undergoes extensive and rapid changes, and we in the

world of cryptocurrencies align ourselves with it. This method helps us to invest in the

stock market with our assets in a better way and solve the challenge of passing time to

make our shares profitable.


As we know, the cryptocurrency market is a market without a backup and public

acceptance is influential in its growth process, and we are somehow investing in the

cryptocurrency market from nothing, and now this document provides a solution to create

a valid backup for the Darik token. provides you with and achieves its goals through a

simple operational process.

Problem definition:

In the world of cryptocurrencies, there is no reliable support for coins or tokens, and its

validity is due to public acceptance or endorsement or endorsement of a cryptocurrency

by famous people, which makes a cryptocurrency popular, and governments and

centralized regulatory systems. They do not give any credit to these cryptocurrencies, and

this has caused decentralized systems to be supported only through ordinary people or

even legal entities for tax evasion, and finally, the fluctuation of the price of Bitcoin has

a direct effect on all altcoins. And if a famous person or group does not support a

cryptocurrency, its value will drop sharply and destroy people's capital.

The best way for people to invest is in sectors where a strong and credible support can

support their assets and minimize investors' losses or create good profits for them. Failure


to create added value in the cryptocurrency market is another part of the challenge of this

market, and your profit is summed up in another loss, and this is a painful point that

cryptocurrency marketers do not pay attention to, and they easily pass it and provide

accurate news. They deliberately hide it.

Excessive energy consumption and environmental pollution are other challenges of

cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin, and the way to extract cryptocurrency is one of the

dangers that mankind has faced, so that Bitcoin mining has been effective in global

warming and the pollution caused by it.


Creating a bridge between the centralized and decentralized capital market is the solution

of this document, which the owner of this idea presents to the world and removes the

challenge of market fluctuations. As there is a great distance between the world of virtual

reality and the real world, but human has been able to create a bridge between the two,

and in this document there is an executive solution to create a bridge to create a gap

between the real market and the cryptocurrency market.

Consider that you are a shareholder of Apple Company and you receive your annual

dividend and you do not intend to sell those shares, your interest from the capital available

in the stock market is paid annually and once, and your capital in the form of shares as a

lump sum. The year is blocked and has no added value for you, while the original owners

who own your capital receive the original profit. In a simpler example, if you give your

capital directly to the producer of a product and he shares you in the daily profit, then

your profit will be several times the dividend of the company, which is usually applied

in its financial documents and the full profit It does not pay the shareholders. However,

you may say that not all shareholders can find a manufacturing or service company that

is both profitable and does not cause the loss of the entire capital due to wrong decisions.

Your point is correct and we do not want to challenge this way of thinking with this

document, the purpose of this document is to create added value for you with the same

shares you already have and in one year of waiting for your dividends, enter it into the

cryptocurrency market. and while you can keep your company's stock, you can use its

intrinsic value to create a new market. The purpose of Darik Token is to create added

value and increase the functionality of shares for shareholders and to facilitate the

attraction of investors for financing through cryptocurrencies, to facilitate exchange and

reduce the exchange cost of export and import from various official markets of the

international exchange.

In this document, by pledging the company's shares, a digital certificate (Darik token) is

provided to the shareholders that these tokens are backed by the collateral shares and can


be bought and sold in the cryptocurrency market.

In simpler words, the shareholders of valid markets provide their shares as collateral to

Darik Token Support Company and receive Darik tokens equal to the current price of the

token, which is aligned with the current stock price, and use it in the cryptocurrency

market. They circulate and create a new market for themselves, and after the announced

time, they can return Darik's cryptocurrency and receive their shares. Collateralization

against the receipt of the token makes the price of the token always grow due to its support

by the shares of the companies, and the concern of price fluctuations is removed.

Removal of responsibility:

Darik is a standard token and is traded in the cryptocurrency market in the current

situation, and according to this document, the value of Darik can only be affected when

the reputable international stock markets suffer a severe fall, but there have been

predictions for this challenge as well. But the principle of honesty allows us to raise the

existing challenge with people who want to enter this market and state that in the event

of severe fluctuations in the stock market, the shares of which are in your possession

and support the Darik token, it is a responsibility to does not undertake.

target market:

The target market of the token is all shares of reputable companies that have credibility

in international stock markets and are supported by international laws


Darik Token (DARIK )


Name Darik

Symbol Darik

Number 21,000,000

Reissuable No

Divisible Yes, up to 18 decimal places

Tokenization platform BEP 20 – Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Commission fee for the exchange Proportionate to Binance Smart Chain

Network commission fee

Darik token creation:

Darik Token is a token of the ERC20 standard based on the Ethereum network and is

fixed at 21 million and can be broken up to 18 decimal places.

The purpose of creating this token in this network is to interact with other coins and

tokens and take advantage of the security approved by this network for transfers and


transactions, and the challenge of its loss or hacking is eliminated.

Its professional support team provides new platforms to create new markets to raise the

financial level of this token in order to provide token holders with new ways of creating

added value in the future.

Token capital in:

This capital does not belong to a specific person or group and belongs to the token holders

who have converted their shares into Darik tokens as collateral, and the support team only

benefits from the income from its support, and this value of the shares supporting this

token which maintains its validity and value and has an effect on the balance of prices.

Designer and developer team:

Darik token at the web address belongs to the CompanyPoll owned

by Mr. MohammadBaqher Bursi and this company operates in the fields of electronic

commerce, which is located in Turkey and has a long history in commodity and energy

exchange transactions. And the main idea of Darik token and collateralization process is

done by this company. The website of this company is

No:10/1 Kat:6 A1 Dunya

Ticaret Merkezi Istanbul

Call: +44 7700305551

Mail: [email protected]

The support and development team is a business partner of the CompanyPoll called PCM,

which operates in the fields of exchange and international trade, and its website address

is With an experienced team, this team performs the entire

Darik Token business process.

Unit 8, 1480 Marine Dr

N. Vancouver, Canada

V7P 1T6

Call: +1 778 374 3305


How to calculate and value the share:

The value of each share is calculated based on the P/B model and is equal to the current

value of the Darik token and is accepted as collateral. For example, according to the

following formula, the value of each share is calculated based on the number of shares of

the pledger and the same amount of Darik tokens in possession. A person is placed.

The converted currency is fixed in this replication of Tether as a digital currency, and

both sides are converted to Tether at the equivalent of the day's value.

Daily value or market value = closing share price * number of shares of the company

Daily value or share market value - 5% = market value of one day in the Binance Smart

Chain network.

* 5% brokerage fee of CompanyPoll to perform executive operations

Road map:

Darik Token will be available to the public after it is released in various exchanges and

they can easily trade it in the market, but if the investors who own the shares of reputable

companies want to enter the added value cycle according to this document They can

easily convert their shares into Darik and create a new market for themselves. Darik's

team will make every effort to create new value-added markets so that Darik's token

holders can enjoy this market with peace of mind.