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Table of Contents

Abstract 3

Introduction 4

Massive Challenges 4

Now or Never 4

Not the Enemy 5

Executive Summary 6

Mission and Vision 6

Business Model 6

Recycling Process 7

 Recycled Materials 7

 Pyrolysis Process 8

Applications and Use-cases 9

Eco-Friendly Node Mining 9

Giving Back 9

Government Initiatives and Partnerships 9

Plastichero Project Features 11

Plastichero Recycling Kiosk 11

Plastichero Application 13

 Plastichero Coins 13

 Plastichero Shop 14

 Plastichero Built-in Wallet 14

 Plastichero Bridge 14

Technology 15

Blockchain Mainnet Features 15

 Dual Delegated Proof of Stake Block Generation 15

 Smart Contract Processing 19

3-Step Mainnet Process 19

 Coin-Related APIs 20

 Create 20

 Transfer 20

 Display Balance 21

 Burn 21

 Error Handling 21

Cryptocurrency 22

Mainnet PTH Coins 22

 Mining PTH Coins 22

 Mined PTH Distribution 23

Coin Utility 24

Road Map 25

Disclaimer 26



The plastic pollution crisis is an urgent issue that has negatively affected the

environment in numerous devastating ways. These include overloaded dumps, landfills,

harmful emissions released by incineration, and polluted marine ecosystems.

It is the irresponsible disposal of plastic materials and plastic incineration that lead to

the crisis of climate change. Hence, it is imperative for us to make a real change.

To do so, we present Plastichero, a blockchain-based platform for reducing waste and

promoting a circular economy. The project will accomplish this through kiosks where

plastic waste can be deposited in exchange for Plastichero coins, which can be converted

to PTH tokens. Deposited plastic will be recycled to produce pyrolysis oil and high-quality

plastic flakes and pellets.

Plastichero’s own decentralized application (DApp) will be used to validate each

deposit of plastic waste and to allocate PTH coins accordingly. PTH coins can be

used to purchase food, beverages, and other items from participating stores and brands.

Transparency, transaction verification, security, immutability, accountability, and

value transfer can be achieved by utilizing Plastichero’s blockchain technology.

Additionally, all data on users’ DApp wallets including QR code verification will be stored

in the blockchain.

Plastichero is its own blockchain mainnet project, and mined mainnet coins will be

compatible with cryptocurrency wallets that support ERC-20 tokens through bridges.



The earliest known records of mass plastic production can be traced back to the

Second World War and then again from 1960-70. Humanity began to replace steel and

paper materials with plastic as it was cheap, convenient, and versatile.

It is estimated that around 300 million tons of plastic waste are produced every

year. Of this waste 50% is single-use plastic materials of which only 9% is recycled.

What is worse is that plastic does not decompose as natural materials do, and so

disposing it via dumping poses an even greater problem.

Massive Challenges

Plastic waste is also a major contributor to the climate crisis. The burning of plastic

waste produces greenhouse gasses, such as carbon dioxide and methane, accelerating

global heating.

Plastic materials have also polluted oceans, lakes, and rivers, endangering thousands of

marine species on our planet. It is reported that approximately 8 million tons of plastic

waste are discarded into the ocean every year and an estimated 5 trillion tons of plastic

is in the ocean as of 2022.

Now or Never

We must act now before it is too late. According to the World Wildlife Fund, “the species

extinction rate is estimated between 1,000 and 10,000 times higher than natural extinction

rates — the rate of species extinctions that would occur if we humans were not around.”


Plastic pollution is contributing to mass-death in the ocean, most visibly by ingestion,

suffocation, and entanglement of hundreds of marine species. According to the World

Economic Forum, in a business-as-usual scenario, the ocean is expected to contain

more plastics than fish (by weight) by 2050. Science-based initiatives are needed to

change course and halt the destruction of ecosystems by plastic pollution.

Not the Enemy

Plastic itself is not the enemy. It is a useful material for a wide variety of applications

including packaging, building and construction, household and sports equipment, vehicles,

electronics and agriculture.

However, it becomes harmful to the environment when improperly discarded. Proper

management and recycling of plastic waste is a challenge, as it is generally more expensive

and time-consuming than the alternatives, leaving consumers with inadequate motivation

to recycle.


Executive Summary

Plastichero is pleased to present the executive summary of our company. Our goal is to

work toward a more sustainable and green environment, beginning with South Korea.

We intend to use blockchain technology to address plastic recycling issues.

Users, countries, businesses, environmental organizations, and, most importantly, the

planet will benefit from the Plastichero project.

Mission and Vision

The Plastichero Project is always evolving to offer users useful rewards and make

beneficial contributions to nations, companies, and environmental organizations.

Participating in the initiative helps to establish a sustainable, green environment for future

societies by using smart technology to alleviate the problem of plastic waste and

promote the circular economy.

Business Model

The project aims to address the problem of plastic waste — first in South Korea, and

then globally — through the use of kiosks and blockchain technology. Plastichero will

do this by recycling plastic waste into pyrolysis oil and clean plastic pellets and flakes.

Users will be able to recycle their plastic waste into the Plastichero kiosks that will be

accessible, easy-to-use, and innovative. Users will also have an interactive mobile

application where they can track their Plastichero coins. As incentive for user participation,

Plastichero will offer users cryptocurrency rewards.


Plastichero will generate profit by creating valuable commodities from plastic waste

deposited in its kiosks. Through cooperation with carbon emission allocators and businesses

that support outside reduction programs, the project is also investigating the prospect of

operating a carbon emission business.

Recycling Process

The Plastichero project aims to solve the problem of plastic waste with an eco-friendly

and cost-effective chemical method called pyrolysis. This process transforms waste plastic

into clean pyrolysis oil, which can be used as an alternative to kerosene and light oil.

Plastichero can help create a circular economy by using pyrolysis oil to create new

recycled products that are convertible back into pyrolysis oil. These recycled products

could range from chairs and tables to garbage bins and more.

The project can generate profit by selling carbon emission rights, renewable pyrolysis

oil, and high-purity plastic.

The Plastichero ecosystem and its distinct recycling method will eventually be

implemented in more countries to support their own green industry initiatives.

Recycled Materials

Plastichero will employ mechanical and chemical recycling processes to create valuable

commodities from plastic waste. These include high-quality plastic pellets and flakes for

use in manufacturing, pyrolysis oil that can be used as alternative fuel, and hydrogen gas

that can be supplied as a fuel to hydrogen stations.


Plastic pellets and flakes will be reclaimed from waste plastic by a mechanical recycling

process called M-rPET. Plastic flakes are primarily used in the production of synthetic

fibers for textiles, and are produced by sorting (by color and composition), grinding,

washing, separating (by gravity) and dehydrating waste plastic. The resulting flakes are

then packaged separately according to color and composition. Plastic pellets are used

in the creation of a wide variety of plastic goods, particularly by injection molding. To

create pellets, waste plastic goes through a similar process of crushing and washing

before being extruded and cut into pellets.

A separate, pyrolysis-based chemical recycling method, C-rPET, will be used to

produce pyrolysis oil and hydrogen from composite and film plastics. After crushing and

washing waste, the waste material is subject to pyrolysis, a process of thermal

degradation of organic materials under an inert atmosphere. Under pyrolysis, long carbon

chains are thermally broken down into useful fractions; in this case, syngas and pyrolysis

oil. Further processing will be applied to the syngas to produce 99.5% pure hydrogen

gas, while pyrolysis oil is obtained through a final process of condensation.

Pyrolysis Process

Plastichero will use a state-of-the-art rotary kiln plant to produce pyrolysis oil

free of heavy metals. The plant will have a processing capacity of 3,000 tons per

year and does not require any pretreatment.


Applications and Use-cases

The most important use case for the pyrolysis oil produced is in the manufacturing of

high-quality reusable plastic products. The project aims to achieve this by collaborating

with manufacturers and promoting resource circulation.

Plastichero’s pyrolysis oil has various applications, from fuel for large-scale demand

sources like heating systems and power plants to being processed in oil refineries. The

low-boiling carbides found in the oil can also be turned into naphtha through vacuum


Eco-Friendly Node Mining

The Plastichero project maintains an eco-friendly node mining system with

energy-efficient nodes that are more akin to virtual machines than the conventional

energy-intensive hardware associated with mining. Its energy efficiency will also

improve over time as the mining difficulty will halve yearly.

Giving Back

Plastichero donates to charity to incentivize individuals and organizations to

contribute to the project’s sustainable waste management initiative. Furthermore,

the project aims to fund research and communities through outreach programs

and raise awareness about plastic waste reduction initiatives.

Government Initiatives and Partnerships

The Plastichero project intends to assist governments and businesses in

implementing the circular economy system. Sustainable economies all around the

world provide opportunities for Plastichero. The project will launch in South

Korea before expanding to other countries around the world.


The circular economy system is a regenerative system that aims to minimize waste

and pollution while conserving resources. The goal of the circular economy is to reduce

dependence on finite resources and create more sustainable business models.

The Plastichero project intends to help and contribute to private and public

organizations that are supporting this initiative. As sustainable business models

become increasingly common around the world, Plastichero will seek out and

partner with companies that are committed to sustainability.

For example, there are currently numerous countries with economies that are considered

to be sustainable. These include the Netherlands, Canada, Germany, New Zealand,

Denmark, Finland, Japan, Norway, Switzerland, and Sweden, among other countries.

Plastichero intends to begin operations in South Korea before extending to other

countries. South Korea now has a green industry initiative and a plan to become more

environmentally friendly by 2050. Within the country, the project will collaborate with

municipal governments, carbon emission allocation firms, and plant industries.

The Plastichero concept will eventually expand to other countries that prioritize the

circular economy. These could be from any continent but are most likely from Europe.

We will work with international governments and sustainable businesses from around

the world to ensure a more sustainable global future.

The project will initially be part of the South Korean government’s green industry initiative,

which aims to create export profits worth USD 81.3 billion by achieving carbon neutrality

and replacing crude oil by 2050.


Plastichero Project Features

Plastichero Recycling Kiosk

Prior to utilizing the Plastichero Project kiosk, users must register for membership

via a QR code.

Users will deposit their plastic bottles at the nearest Plastichero recycling kiosk.

These kiosks will store and reward users with Plastichero coins through the Plastichero

application. Plastic bottles inside the kiosk will be collected, processed, and then



The Plastichero recycling kiosks are composed of 8 units as follows:

1. Inlet: Users will deposit their plastic bottles through the inlet on the kiosk. This inlet is built

with safety sensors to ensure that users’ hands are protected at all times.

2. Sensor unit: The unit senses the objects deposited into the inlet and enters the transfer

unit. The inlet door is closed, and the sensor unit sends a signal to place the deposited

object in the correct position. The transfer unit will read whether the object will be processed

or returned.

3. Transfer unit: The transfer unit will send the deposited object to the review unit. Once

reviewed, the transfer unit will send the object to the crushing unit if it is a plastic bottle.

However, the transfer unit will open the inlet and return the object to the user if it is not a

plastic bottle.

4. Review Unit: The review unit determines whether the deposited object is a plastic

bottle via weight measurement and video analysis. This unit will deliver these data to the

Plastichero server, where it will apply AI vision technology.

5. Crushing unit: This unit will crush accepted plastic bottles to maximize storage capacity.

6. Loading unit: The crushed plastic bottles will enter the loading unit. When the unit’s

contents reach a certain level, the kiosk will send a signal to the control server requesting


7. Control unit: The control unit operates and controls all procedures from steps 1 to 6.

It also sends and receives data to and from the management / database system.


8. Kiosk External Screen: An external screen on the kiosk that explains and guides the

user through the plastic disposal process. This screen can also display advertisements.

Plastichero Application

The Plastichero application boasts several useful features. These include using

using Plastichero coins to purchase items such as gift certificates and items such as gift

certificates or affiliate items. Additionally, users can use the built-in wallet inside the

Plastichero application to store their coins and tokens. Furthermore, the application

features a bridge that converts PTH mainnet coins into PTH Tokens.

Plastichero Coins

When plastic bottles are deposited into the kiosks, Plastichero coins can be mined.

Users can use the coins to buy products within the Plastichero App. Additionally, users

can bridge PTH coins to PTH ERC-20.


Plastichero Shop

These PTH coins will allow users to purchase products within the Plastichero

application for personal use or as gifts. The selection of products will vary from time to

time and will increase as we gain more affiliates.

Plastichero Built-in Wallet

Furthermore, Plastichero’s built-in wallet allows users to store their PTH mainnet coins

and their PTH Tokens. Users will not need to use a separate wallet and will conveniently

find all their Plastichero-related tokens within the application itself.

Plastichero Bridge

Through the Plastichero application, we will offer PTH mainnet coin holders the

feature to bridge their PTH coin into PTH Tokens. The bridge will have a

conversion ratio of 1 PTH:1 PTH Token. Users will be able to swap and trade their

PTH Token with other ERC-20 based tokens.



Plastichero will use blockchain technology for transparency, transaction validation,

and value transfers. All transaction data will be stored on the blockchain, starting from

the QR code validation to the crediting of crypto-based credits to the user’s DApp

wallet. .

Blockchain Mainnet Features

The Plastichero mainnet (PTH) boasts high scalability, fast transaction processing, and

robust security functions, thanks to its Dual Delegated Proof of Stake (DDPoS) consensus


PTH mainnet supports nuanced smart contracts, which may be deployed in the user’s

preferred language through the REST API call method. Smart contracts are registered on

the PTH blockchain after being approved by BPs, and are then ready to be deployed,

eliminating the need for any batching tools or writing of complex scripts by


The Plastichero blockchain boasts a very high speed, generating a single block in only

three seconds. The PTH blockchain employs two hashing algorithms, the widely used

SHA 256 developed by the US National Security Agency and secp256k1, enabling fast

and efficient computation, with a capacity of 10,000 transactions per second.

Dual Delegated Proof of Stake Block Generation

The Dual Delegated Proof of Stake (DDPoS) mechanism generates blocks

through a network of 21 nodes, including 17 master nodes and 4 monitor nodes.

Master nodes are block producers (BPs), democratically elected by users to

validate transactions and add new blocks to the blockchain. Monitor nodes are block

observers (BOs), nodes that hold copies of the blockchain data but do not have the

ability to generate blocks. Instead, they are responsible for identifying network

congestion, and other threats to the reliability and stability of the blockchain.

Monitor nodes are randomly selected from the user population.


Under the DDPoS algorithm, the 21 nodes work together to produce a block every

three seconds. The algorithm then takes 63 seconds to ensure the blocks are

irreversible. The algorithm rarely has overheads, making it possible to optimize the

time and bandwidth taken to verify the proof of the chain. This system ensures the

integrity of the elected master nodes and the entire blockchain, even if collusion were to

occur. Additionally, DDPoS does not incur any costs for the use of the blockchain.

DDPoS is an improvement over traditional proof-of-work (PoW) and proof-of-stake

(PoS) methods as it decreases the risk of collusion among master nodes, facilitates

inter-block communication, and participates in block generation, all while being

faster and more efficient. The mechanism ensures that nodes are safe from attackers.

Even if there is an attack on one of the master nodes (BPs), the monitor nodes (BOs) will

work together to make sure the blockchain is not affected. The attacker also can’t target

a specific node because the BOs are randomly picked.



The flowchart above illustrates the process of block generation using the DDPoS

algorithm. 17 master nodes (BPs) and 4 monitor nodes (BOs) are selected to generate

blocks. After the algorithm defines the sequence of the nodes, all 21 nodes begin working

together to generate blocks. In the next step, the four monitor nodes (BOs) are replaced,

again by random selection from the general population of nodes. The sequence of the

21 nodes is again determined by algorithm, and the process is repeated.


Smart Contract Processing

Through APIs, the Plastichero mainnet streamlines smart contract processing and

execution. The mainnet enables developers to call an API directly from their development

environment, making the process faster and more stable.

When compared to the traditional process of creating and executing smart contracts in

other networks, this is significantly easier. Developers have traditionally been required

to upload their code to the mainnet’s server, which complicates the process.

3-Step Mainnet Process

The PTH mainnet has a 3-step process architecture. When a DApp or a service requires

smart contracts, it can make use of the REST API call method and create a request

in the PTH Web API. From the PTH Web API, the request interacts with a PTH node in

the PTH blockchain where a new block is written to be stored permanently.

After creation, every new block is registered in the PTH node.


Coin-Related APIs


Developers can call the following function to create a token.

• $token- >create_token ($required_auth, $name, $symbol_name, $publisher, $init_ amount );

Argument Description


Developers can call the following function to send tokens to another user.

• $token-> transfer_token ($required_auth,$from,$to,$amount,$symbol_name,$memo);

Argument Description

required_auth Creatinguser’sactivekey

Name Tokenname

symbol_name Tokensymbol

Publisher AccountIDoftheuser

init_amount Initialamount

required_auth activekeyofsendinguser

From AccountIDofsendinguser

To AccountIDofreceivinguser

Amount Tokenamounttobesent

symbol_name Tokensymbol

Memo Memo


Display Balance

Developers can call the following function to check one’s token balance.

• $token-> get_token_balance ($account);

Argument description


Developers can call the following function to delete tokens in one’s possession.

This function is commonly called to reduce the total amount of tokens in circulation.

• $token-> burn_token ($required_auth,$account,$amount,$symbol_name);

Argument Description

Error handling

Developers will receive this result because of an error from a previously called function.

• $response = $token-> burn_token ($required_auth,$account,$amount,$symbol_name);

The following result value is called as a result;

If ($response->status== “ success “)// success



else // fail


$code = $response->result->cause->payload->error->code;

$message = $response->result->cause->payload->error->message;


Account Tokenowner’saccount

required_auth activekeyofsendinguser

Account Tokenowner’saccountID

Amount Numberoftokenstobeerased

symbol_name Tokensymbol



Mainnet PTH Coins

Our PTH mainnet coin will have a pivotal role in our ecosystem, particularly as a

utility coin. While our original intention is for PTH to function as a utility coin, we

believe that as people begin to install our DApp and join our cause, our coin will

gain monetary value. Detailed policies and guidelines on the mining process will be

determined by the block producers and observers in the future. The common policy

creation will be based on both an applicant’s vote and their PTH holding


Mining PTH Coins

Plastichero is offering 10,000 nodes for purchase to mine PTH for the owner. These

nodes will, in total, mine 3,600,000 PTH coins daily and 108,000,000 monthly. An annual

PTH halving event will also occur to reduce the mining amount by 50%.

We intend to distribute all 10,000 nodes to the public, with each node mining 360 PTH

coins daily for a total of 3,600,000 PTH coins daily.

When a node is distributed, the amount of PTH coins mined will be divided among the

number of currently distributed nodes. Essentially, the owner of a node will receive their

share of 360 PTH as a reward from the total of 3,600,000 mined PTH coins among all

currently distributed nodes.

Plastichero will burn PTH coins regularly until we have distributed all 10,000 nodes to the

public. PTH coins will be burned to prevent inflation of the PTH coin and maintain its value relevant to the current number of distributed nodes. In other words, The number

of PTH coins burned will depend on the number of nodes distributed.


For example:

• If only a single node has been distributed in total, that single distributed node

will mine all 3,600,000 PTH coins. Plastichero will reward the node with 360

PTH coins and then burn the remaining supply of 3,599,640 PTH coins.

3,600,000 (total mined PTH) / 10,000 (total node amount) = 360 PTH rewards

3,600,000 - 360 = 3,599,640 PTH burned

• If two nodes have been distributed in total, those two distributed nodes

will mine 1,800,000 PTH coins each for a total of 3,600,000 PTH coins.

Plastichero will reward both miners with 360 PTH coins each for a total of

720 PTH coins, then burn the remaining supply of 3,599,280 PTH coins

360 PTH (reward per node) x 2 (total distributed nodes) = 720 PTH rewards

3,600,000 (total mined PTH) - 720 (total PTH rewards) = 3,599,280 PTH burned

• However, if all 10,000 nodes are distributed, no PTH coins will need to be burned

as each node will automatically mine 360 PTH coins to reward each miner.

Mined PTH Distribution

The PTH mined by each node will be distributed as follows:

83.33% (300 PTH per day) will be distributed to the node owner. Of this, an automatic

10% donation will be made to charity (30 PTH per day). The node owner will

therefore receive a maximum of 270 PTH per day through mining.

The PTH mined by each node will be distributed as follows:

The remaining 16.67% (60 PTH per day) will be used by Plastichero as follows:

• 10.83% (39PTH) will go to Plastichero’s operational expenses

• 4.17% (15PTH) will help fund further developing the Plastichero technology

• 1.67% (6PTH) will fund the Plastichero referrals program


Coin Utility

Users can swap their PTH mainnet coins for any ERC-20 token by converting their PTH

mainnet coins into PTH Token through our bridge. There is a conversion ratio of 1 PTH: 1

PTH Token. Afterward, users will be free to use PTH Token and swap them through any

service that accepts PTH Token.



2021: Establish the Plastichero Company

Q1: Develop Plastichero’s strategic plan

Q2: Establish an in-house development team and company operations

Q4: Commence PTH mainnet development

2022: Commence Development of PTH Nodes

Q2: Start PTH Node development

2023: Launch Node Mining, Exchange Listing,

 and Smart Contract Development

Q1: Begin PTH Node mining

Q3: List PTH on global exchanges

Q4: Commence development of PTH mainnet smart contract

2024: Expand PTH Platform

Q1: Begin global market penetration and expansion

Q2: Test PTH mainnet smart contract

Q4: Commence PTH mainnet smart contract service



Please read the entirety of the “Disclaimer” section carefully. All information presented

in this Whitepaper (henceforward referred to as “The Document”) is the sole property of

Plastichero (henceforward referred to as “The Company” or “We”). All Rights Reserved. This

Document was created for informational purposes only. Any unauthorized duplication,

copy, or distribution of this Document by any person, organization, or entity is prohibited

unless authorized by The Company.

This Document is written in the English language only and there are no other

approved translations or translated copies at the time of writing. Any mistranslation or

alteration of any of the information as a result of unauthorized copying will not be

at the fault of the company. In the event of any conflict in meaning, accuracy, or

variation between any part of this Document and any other translated version, the

original Document in English will stand.

Please note that The Company does not assure the complete accuracy of all the

information expressed in this Document and has not been verified and approved by

any authority ahead of publishing. Hence, Plastichero holds no responsibility for any of

the information, opinion, idea, or statement presented in this Document.

Moreover, We reserve the right to modify, replace or change any information in The

Document, and hold no obligation whatsoever to pre-inform the public. Hence, the

readers hold the responsibility of leveling with the changes in This Document. We will

not be held responsible for any action taken by any individual or entity based on the

Document and information implied, expressed, or presented in The Document.


No Representations or Guarantees

Please note that The Company does not guarantee the prices, values, or allocations of the

tokens rewarded. Readers acknowledge that We hold no power or influence over the tokens,

and consequently bear no responsibility for any losses faced in the trading or exchanging

of tokens in any way or form, and disclaim any liability or accountability in the foreseeable


Market performances of tokens have no guarantee of any results, furthermore, no information

in this Document interpreted by the reader as a “prediction” or “projection” guarantees any

prospects of results. Readers are advised to bear responsibility for the results.

Not a Security Token

The Company wishes to inform the reader that We do not sell Security Tokens. This means

that the possession of any PTH tokens will not indicate holding a stake or sum of any place

or platform.

This is to prevent any possible legal action on token-holders of Plastichero, especially

in territories with strict security token regulations. Moreover, no information expressed in

this Document should be regarded as security token sale advice.

Sales Restrictions

Readers of this Document should ensure a clear and complete understanding that

purchasing, trading, or holding cryptocurrency tokens is not legal in certain jurisdictions,

thus availability may be limited. Furthermore, in adherence to the Anti-Money Laundering

(AML) and Know-Your-Customer (KYC) standards, only confirmed identities of individuals

and parties will be invited to participate.


It should also be noted that Plastichero reserves the sole right to deny any partaker under

the age of 18 or those who reside in geographical locations where the buying, trading, and

holding of Cryptocurrency tokens are against the law. We do not guarantee the legality

of purchasing any such tokens.

It is the responsibility of the individual or participant to confirm eligibility to participate

in the token purchasing sale, thus validating that they are in a legal and lawful capacity

to hold cryptocurrency tokens. It is advised with best intentions that participants consult

certified legal and financial advice before purchasing or trading cryptocurrency tokens.