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Ultrapro Blockchain

(3 reviews)
(3 reviews)
Site Rank: 680

If your website is on the scam list and you think that you are not a scammer, contact us. After you provide us with all the proof that you are in Crypto World with good intentions, we will delist you. Usually, you get in this category because you are hiding your team, you have a bad reputation(you are tricking, deceiving, scamming people), and you haven't got a written project whitepaper or is a shitty one....

Their Official site text:

Ultra Pro Blockchain

White Paper

1. Motivation : -

UltraPro Blockchain aims in providing a blockchain system that with higher degree

of centralization and control with faster network confirmations and Security. The

purpose of the new blockchain and DEX is to create an alternative marketplace for

issuing and exchanging digital assets in a decentralized manner.

2. What is UltraPro : -

ULTRA PRO is an innovative solution to bring programmability and interoperability

to Blockchian. ULTRA PRO relies on a system of PoA consensus that can support

shorter block time and lower fees. The most bonded validator candidates of staking

will become validators and produce blocks. The double-sign detection and other

slashing logic guarantee security, stability, and chain finality.

3. Ethereum Compatibility : -

The first practical and widely-used Smart Contract platform is Ethereum. To take

advantage of the relatively mature applications and community, UltraPro chooses to

be compatible with the existing Ethereum mainnet. This means most of the dApps,

ecosystem components, and tools will work with us and require zero or minimum

changes; UltraPro node will require similar skills to run and operate. The

implementation should leave room for UltraPro to catch up with further Ethereum


4. Consensus Algorithm :-

UltraPro Blockhain uses Proof of Authority as Consensus Algorithm. In a PoA

consensus algorithm, a limited number of approved nodes, known as validators or

authorities, are granted the right to create new blocks and validate transactions.

These validators are typically selected based on their reputation, identity, or stake

in the network. PoA aims to provide faster transaction processing times and

scalability compared to other consensus algorithms like Proof of Work (PoW) or

Proof of Stake (PoS). It's worth noting that the effectiveness and security of a

consensus algorithm depend on the specific context, network requirements, and

underlying blockchain architecture. Different blockchain platforms may employ

their own consensus algorithms or variations of existing ones to suit their particular


5. Performance and Scalability:

PoA algorithms can offer faster transaction processing times and higher throughput

compared to more decentralized consensus algorithms like Proof of Work (PoW) or

Proof of Stake (PoS). Since a limited number of approved authorities validate

transactions and create blocks, the consensus process can be quicker, enabling a

higher transaction volume.

6. Trusted Validators:

PoA blockchains rely on a predefined set of approved authorities or validators who

are trusted entities. These validators are typically known and vetted by the network

participants, which can be beneficial in scenarios where trust and reputation play a

crucial role. This model is suitable for permissioned or consortium blockchains

where the network participants are known and have established identities.

7. Reduced Energy Consumption:

PoW consensus algorithms, such as the one used in Bitcoin, require significant

computational power and energy consumption. In contrast, PoA blockchains do not

rely on resource-intensive mining operations, making them more energy-efficient

and environmentally friendly.

8. Governance and Compliance:

PoA blockchains offer more control and governance over the network. The

authorities or validators have the power to enforce compliance with regulatory

frameworks and consensus rules. This is advantageous in situations where legal or

compliance requirements need to be met.

9. Resistance to Sybil Attacks:

By limiting the authority to a fixed set of known validators, PoA blockchains can

mitigate the risk of Sybil attacks. Sybil attacks occur when an attacker creates

multiple identities to gain control over the network. Since the validators in a PoA

blockchain are pre-approved, it becomes difficult for an attacker to gain control by

creating numerous identities.

10. What can I do with ULTRA PRO : -

The purpose of the new blockchain and DEX is to create an alternative marketplace

for issuing and exchanging digital assets in a decentralized manner.

You can:

• Send and receive UPRO

• Issue new tokens to digitalize assets, and use ULTRA PRO as

underlying exchange/transfer network for the assets

For developers, you can also:

ULTRA PRO, UPRO boasts smart contract functionality and compatibility with the

Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). The design goal here was to leave the high

throughput of ULTRA PRO intact while introducing smart contracts into its


Because UPRO is EVM-compatible, it is launched with support for the rich universe

of Ethereum tools and DApps. In theory, this makes it easy for developers to port

their projects over from Ethereum. For users, it means that applications like

MetaMask can be easily configured to work with UPRO. Seriously – it’s just a matter

of tweaking a couple of settings. Check out Use MetaMask for ULTRA PRO to get


You can:

• Send and receive UPRO

• Explore the transaction history and blocks on the chain, via UPRO

SCAN, API and node RPC interfaces.

Developers can also:

• Issue new tokens to digitalize assets

• Run a full node to listen to and broadcast live updates on transactions,

blocks, and consensus activities

• Develop wallets and tools to help users use Dapps

11. Token Economy :-

A token protocol on UPRO (PRO20) which is compatible with ERC20. It extends

ERC20 and contains more interfaces, such as getOwner and decimals. You can easily

Deploy tokens on UPRO chain. The full details on how to create and deploy tokens

on UPRO chain is full described in the below URL :

12. How to Run a Full Node on UltraPro :-

Fullnodes Functions

• Stores the full blockchain history on disk and can answer the data

request from the network.

• Receives and validates the new blocks and transactions.

• V erifies the states of every accounts.

Supported Platforms

We support running a full node on Mac OS Xand Linux.

Suggested Requirements


• VPS running recent versions of Mac OS X or Linux.

• 4 cores of CPU and 8 gigabytes of memory (RAM).

• A broadband Internet connection with upload/download speeds of 5

megabyte per second

Steps to Run a Full Node

Download upro_mainnet.json and static-nodes.json from




Make node folder

mkdir node

Initialize the Node

./geth --datadir ./node init upro_mainnet.json

Copy the static-nodes.json to node/geth

Run the Nodes

./geth --datadir node --syncmode 'full' --gcmode=archive --port 40605 --http --http.port 3545 –ht

13. Blockchain Details :--

Network Name : Ultra Pro Chain


Chain ID : 473861

Currency Symbol : UPRO

Block Explorer URL :

14. Wallet Support :-

Any Ethereum Wallet that supports Custom Network will support UPRO. Here

are a few most used Wallets

1) Metamask

2) Coinbase Wallet

3) Trust Wallet

4) Trezor

15.How to Contribute to UltraPro Documentation Project : -

Your contributions to the ULTRA PRO will help build a fast and secure decentralized

digital asset exchange.

We want to make it as easy as possible to contribute changes that help the ULTRA

PRO grow and thrive. There are a few guidelines that we ask contributors to follow

so that we can merge your changes quickly.

Getting Started

• Make sure you have a GitHub account.

• Create a GitHub issue for your contribution, assuming one does not

already exist.

• Clearly describe the issue including steps to reproduce if it is a bug.

• Fork the repository on GitHub.

Minor Changes


For small changes to comments and documentation, it is not always necessary to

create a new GitHub issue. In this case, it is appropriate to start the first line of a

commit with 'doc' instead of an issue number.

Finding things to work on

The first place to start is always looking over the current GitHub issues for the project

you are interested in contributing to. Issues marked with [help wanted][help-wanted]

are usually pretty self-contained and a good place to get started.

Of course, feel free to create a new issue if you think something needs to be added

or fixed.

Making Changes

• Create a topic branch from where you want to base your work.

• This is usually the master branch.

• Please avoid working directly on the master branch.

• Make sure you have added the necessary tests for your changes and make

sure all tests pass.

16. Conclusion :

In conclusion Ultra Pro Blockchain is a type of consensus algorithm that offers

certain benefits in terms of performance, governance, and trusted validation. It is

particularly suitable for use cases where a higher degree of centralization and control

is desired. The key advantages of a UltraPro blockchain include faster transaction

processing, higher scalability, reduced energy consumption, resistance to Sybil

attacks, and the ability to enforce compliance and governance.