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SAYVE Protocol

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Site Rank: 1207

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Their Official site text:

A summary of the project.
SAYVE aims to pioneer the language learning app in the Web3 era, by creating a world where users will be rewarded both financially and practically for their commitment to learning. Users equip their in-game characters with NFTs, allowing them to learn languages. They will earn $LINGO tokens that can either be used as an in-game currency or exchanged for other cryptocurrencies.
SAYVE users will learn languages while participating in a Metaverse game taking place in the Vox galaxy. Here, an all-powerful AI has unleashed a chaotic language virus across thousands of planets. Players can either join a faction to stop the AI's malefic plans... or aid its efforts.
With gaming fun and social interaction combined under the banner of blockchain technology, SAYVE aims to motivate millions towards improving their language, engaging in cultural exchange, and creating a global community.
Note: SAYVE is currently under beta, so the litepaper’s contents are subject to change.
Mission Statement
Our plan of action.
SAYVE is an AI-powered Learn-to-Earn (L2E) protocol that looks to take digital language learning into Web3 space. Our vision is to onboard the non-crypto crowd by fostering an ecosystem where users are rewarded for their commitment to language learning. 
Our unique L2E mechanism integrates social-fi and game-fi elements, which enable users to better their language skills while earning financial rewards alongside their peers.
A brief look at the language learning market and lifelong learners.
Language is an essential life skill, but many people find it difficult to learn. Motivation is key here. We learn best when there is intrinsic motivation - a genuine interest or a need in our social and occupational aspects of life. For example, meeting someone of a different ethnic background, or starting a new life in a foreign country. However, many lifelong learners often give up mid-way through their language learning journey. This is due to a lack of aforementioned intrinsic motivation, or an absence of effective and practical learning opportunities.
Paradoxically, in spite of these struggles with consistency and commitment, people have always paid to learn languages. This purchasing behavior has only grown rapidly with the emergence of digital applications.
Research data has shown that the current $60B D2C language learning market will double by 2025[1]. Digital applications are set to lead the charge, and are expected to triple their growth. Language learning is materially underestimated due to a traditional offline market, with a strong yet recent surge in digital growth. Both our demand side model, and supply side build, suggest a $115B+ market by 2025[1].
Even with language learning's significant market size, there are several concerns from lifelong learners that have yet to be addressed. “How do I keep learning the language? How do I stay motivated? And how can I learn more effectively?” This is where extrinsic motivation can assist. Numerous psychological studies have proven that intrinsic and extrinsic motivation can work together to form a virtuous cycle (essentially a positive feedback loop), which further strengthen and sustain learning behaviors in education[2][3]. This is very much the reason we have developed the Learn-To-Earn mechanism for our dApp.
Instead of paying endlessly for learning, you can get paid for learning practical knowledge and skills. That’s now possible with SAYVE.
Learn to Earn
An overview of the team's experience and the Proof of Learn feature.
Here, you'll find the reasons why we're best placed to tackle the challenges in the language learning market, as well as a dive into our dApp's key features.
Proprietary AI technology and Industrial Expertise
Our team's experience, and how we aim to leverage that for the dApp.
SAYVE’s exclusive Learn-to-Earn (L2E) is built on our team’s years of experience in the AI (Artificial Intelligence) Education industry. AI has empowered countless apps to embrace personalized adaptive learning, voice assessment, and natural language processing to provide customized learning experiences that fit the individual. L2E integrates our own AI technology to enable accurate and consistent real-time feedback for users during their daily practice. 
Users can comfortably learn and practice at their own pace to gradually gain confidence in speaking. They are rewarded with tokens for their learning efforts and progress. Users can choose to trade or deposit their acquired tokens or upgrade their NFTs to improve their earning efficiency. The NFTs provide users with gamified learning experiences, with a means to feature their credentials via Proof of Learn. This showcases their language learning journey on the blockchain, leaving it readily accessible to potential employers, friends, and businesses.
Proof of Learn
A brief look at our curriculum and the benefits of blockchain learning.
SAYVE focuses on offering users the opportunity of learning practical phrases that they can immediately use in real life. We plan on careful, gradual language implementation to ensure this standard is met and kept. We will initially focus on English, then introduce major languages such as Chinese, Spanish, and French, before bringing in other languages. 
Our curriculum is devised under The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and is designed for users who have already achieved A2 or equivalent skill level, meaning they have basic English knowledge and reading ability. Our content aims to give users real-world practice and strengthen their real-world language skills so that they can confidently speak up when the occasion arises in real life. Users who successfully complete the curriculum are expected to have CEFR B1-B2 levels of proficiency. 
Furthermore, as all their learning history and achievements are recorded in their NFT, individual language competency will become more transparent for various needs, be they recreational, professional, or social. For instance, employers hiring in the hospitality or customer service industries can quickly evaluate a candidate’s skills by auditing blockchain records for performance, and employees can present their achievements through certificates forever stored as NFTs. Businesses can understand their partners and customers based on publicly available but non-identifiable data, while recreational users can feel confident while traveling abroad.
How we're gamifying our next-gen langauge learning app, and a look at the lore of the in-game Vox galaxy.
Here you'll find an in-depth explanation of the app's gamified elements, as well as the backstory to the in-universe narrative.
Game Background
A brief look at the game's lore.
In the far-off Vox galaxy, several factions existed in peace. Yet GPT-X, a powerful AI created to facilitate their lives, betrayed them and unleashed the Language Virus. This virus transformed millions of people into the AI’s zombies, which now threaten the galaxy at large. Only the recently uncovered phoneme crystals, ancient artifacts that once built language, can cure them. Now, the fate of the Metaverse falls to you. Complete missions, earn $LINGO tokens, gather phoneme crystals, and put an end to GPT-X’s dark machinations...
Alternatively, serve the AI in secret and help carry out his grand plans…
The many elements that bring out the game in SAYVE.
SAYVE’s Learn-to-Earn game offers a world where web3 users own and grow with their NFT characters in their respective language learning journeys. The NFTs are central to the user’s L2E experiences. Each user will have a unique NFT character made up of both a set of base stats and equipable gear. Throughout the user’s journey, they'll level up their base NFTs and earn $LINGO, which can be used to buy new gear. Gear not only boosts their abilities and earning potential, but also provides the user with a unique PFP. This all comes with the added bonus of being delivered through web3. The learning journey is verifiable on the Blockchain, through both transactions and the Proof of Learn NFT awards received from each milestone.
The different attributes possessed by characters and gear.
Each character comes with a varying set of attributes, which can be buffed or debuffed based on their equipment:
Wages - The efficiency $LINGO earned per activity.
Wage Limit - The maximum amount of $LINGO that can be earned during a 24-hour period.
Energy - The amount of energy a user has to play with during a 24-hour period.
Vigor - Your ability to resist fatigue. A higher vigor means a lower energy cost to participate in lessons.
Recharge Rate - The rate at which energy is refilled.
Health - The physical condition of the character. Lower health means lower wages.
Resilience- How tough you are. A higher resilience means less health lost after each lesson. 
Durability - The ‘health’ of gear items. Lower durability means lower wages.
In future updates, we’ll be adding two new attributes. Engineering, which allows you to upgrade your gear, and R&D, allowing you to combine and mint entirely new gears!
When starting the game, the player will select their character and the gear they’d like to equip. Both the character level and the equipped gear contribute to the user’s total attributes.
The character possesses the following attributes
Level - The character’s level. Each level gives you points added to attributes
Wages - The efficiency $LINGO earned per activity.
Vigor - Your ability to resist fatigue. A higher vigor means a lower energy cost to participate in lessons.
Health - The physical condition of the character. Lower health means lower wages.
Resilience- How tough you are. A higher resilience means lower health loss after each lesson.
Additionally, characters will also benefit from Stamina, Intelligence, and Dexterity attributes in the future.
Gear possesses the following attributes:
Wages - The efficiency $LINGO earned per activity.
Vigor - Your ability to resist fatigue. A higher vigor means a lower energy cost to participate in lessons.
Resilience- How tough you are. A higher resilience means less health lost after each lesson.
Durability - The ‘health’ of gear items. Lower durability means lower wages.
Toughness - How tough the gear is. A higher toughness means less durability lost after each lesson. 
Additionally, gear will also benefit from Stamina, Intelligence, and Dexterity attributes in the future.
A description of energy.
Energy is needed to complete lessons. Energy recharges at a rate of 25% every 6 hours. Depending on the amount of NFTs the user owns, the total energy cap will increase. You can see how the energy cap increases based on the amount of NFTs below:
| Number of NFTs | Energy Cap | Number of Lessons (with max energy) |
| -- | -- | -- |
| 1 | 100 | 5 |
| 5 | 400 | 20 |
| 9 | 900 | 45 |
| 15 | 1200 | 60 |
| 30 | 2000 | 100 |

An in-depth look at how $LINGO tokens are distributed.
Within the Vox galaxy, players earn $LINGO tokens by completing missions. While a character’s attributes and gear influence their wages and wage limit, there’s also their choice of faction to consider.
Every week, each faction receives an equal number of tokens from a common fund. A user’s share is their share of their faction’s pool. Each pool receives the same amount of tokens from the common pool which they must distribute to their members. The share per user is determined by the user’s wages, so a pool with all users having equal wages will result in each member having the same share. Let's look at two examples.
EXAMPLE 1: Pool A has 3 members. Members 1, 2, and 3 all have a wage of 10. The pool receives 100 tokens, and so each member receives an equal share of 33.333333 tokens. 
EXAMPLE 2: Pool B has 3 members. Member 1 has a wage of 10, member 2 has a wage of 6, and member 3 has a wage of 4. The pool receives 100 tokens. Member 1 receives 50 tokens, member 2 receives 30 tokens, and member 3 receives 20 tokens.
From this, we can gather that the tokens each user receives are based on the user's individual wages, the number of members in the pool, and the number of tokens given to the faction.
At a glance, it would appear this system rewards smaller factions as there are fewer members to share the token pool with. In order to counter this, we've developed an additional mechanic: Influence. Influence is based on several factors such as the number of members, trading activity, and lesson activity. Each season, the factions compete to spread their influence across the galaxy. At the end of the season, the faction with the highest influence receives an increased wage limit. Typically, larger factions will have a much easier time spreading their influence. 
This means players have strategic choices to make. Do they go for a smaller faction with fewer members, so their piece of the pie is larger? Or do you join up with the most influential faction for greater rewards, but a smaller slice of the pie? Players will need to evaluate the factions based on their base wages, the number of members, and their influence. 
A look at how NFT characters work.
Users can own as many NFTs as they like, however during gameplay and earning only one NFT character can be selected to be their active character for the lessons.
All base characters are members of one of the three factions: the Broca, the Wernicke, and the Followers of GPT-X. Each NFT has the following basic traits that cannot be updated:
Skin color
Facial expression (eyes and mouth)

The base character can be equipped with gear that provides various buffs and debuffs. The user can equip an NFT into each of the following gear slots:
The five item rarities present in the game.
There are five rarities for NFTs that are based on their cosmetic design. Higher rarities also come with varying effects, some better than others. You’ll need to keep an eye out for the best gear of each rarity.
| Quality | Rarity| Effect |
| -- | -- | -- |
| Standard | 75% | None |
|  Unique | 15% | Boosts Constitution  |
| Celestial | 5% | Boosts Wages|
| Galactic | 4% | Standard Boost to Wages and Constitution |
| Cosmic | 1% | Max Boost to Wages and Constitution |
A look at the three factions and their various benefits.
Initially, a user can pick from three different factions, each with their own benefits and flaws
The Broca tend to have higher wages but lower resilience, the Followers of GPT-X have lower wages but much higher resilience, while the Wernicke serve as a healthy balance between the two.
| Name | Wages | Constitution | Example return at optimal |
| -- | -- | -- | -- |
| The Broca |5-10| 1-5 | 3 $LINGO/Lesson and 3 Health damage/Lesson |
|  The Followers of GPT-X | 1-5 | 5-10 | 1 $LINGO/Lesson and 1 Health damage/Lesson |
| The Wernicke | 4-8 | 4-8 | 2 $LINGO/Lesson and 2 Health damage/Lesson |
Upgrades and leveling up
An explanation on the leveling system.
In addition to gear upgrades, a character can also level up themselves, increasing their attributes.
The user can level up their NFT characters by burning $LINGO, with $SAYVE being required at certain milestones. In order to level up, you must complete a fixed number of lessons, which increases with each level of your character, along with the amount of $LINGO and $SAYVE required.
For the first 10 levels, the character will level up automatically when they complete the prerequisite number of missions. For level 10, the user will need to burn $LINGO to make the upgrade. Automatic leveling continues until level 20, whereupon each level will now require the user to burn $LINGO and (on occasion) SAYVE. For additional details, please see the chart below:
| Character Level Ups | Level |Requirements |Benefits/Growth |
| -- | -- | -- | -- |
| -- | 1-9 | Based on # of missions | -- |
| -- | 10 | 15 $LINGO | -- |
| -- | 11-19 | Based on # of missions | -- |
| -- | 20 | 30 $LINGO | -- |
| -- | 21 | 35 $LINGO | -- |
| -- | 22 | 40 $LINGO | -- |
| -- | 23 | 45 $LINGO + 25 $SAYVE | -- |
| -- | 24 | 60 $LINGO + 50 $SAYVE  | -- |
| -- | 25 | 50 $LINGO + 100 $SAYVE  | -- |
Locker room
A brief look at the 'Locker room', where your characters rest in-between missions.
From the locker room, you can select your main character and equip them with gear for L2E missions. You can also see your active character and their level, current stats, and attributes. In addition, you can switch characters or level them up. Finally, this area also allows you to check item durability and repair damaged gear.
Getting Started
A guide on joining the Vox galaxy!
To begin learning and earning, you will need a Terra wallet, which you can download at / 
Once here, scroll down until you find the “Create a Wallet” button, then follow the instructions.
Once you have a wallet, follow the below steps to start playing:
Connect your wallet
Mint or Transfer an NFT to your wallet. You'll need one (1) base PFP NFT to start playing, and optionally you can also purchase gear for your character.
Select your language.
Visit the locker room to select and equip your character.
From the homepage, select your lessons to begin learning.
Earn achievements and rewards (I.E. $LINGO tokens).
Use your tokens to prolong sessions, unlock new lessons, or improve your earning efficiency. Alternatively, cash them out for other cryptocurrencies.

Game Lore
From the discovery of the Vox galaxy to present-day conflicts...
Thousands of years into the future, humans have taken to the stars. Spreading their empire far and wide, deep space vessels have stumbled upon the Vox galaxy. A quiet corner of the universe, many of its civilizations had previously borne the brunt of a terrible and costly war. Willing to aid this war-torn galaxy, the human visitors aided in reconstructing these civilizations, sharing their technologies, medicines, and most importantly, languages. Their deep space vessels departed soon afterward, but the influence that the humans had on Vox would remain for centuries to come.
Within the Vox galaxy, there reigned seven notable factions. The first was the Broca, a group of knowledge keepers who had cataloged the history of countless civilizations, and who prided themselves in their love of all cultures and languages. They were also known as the Messengers of Vox, as they worked to spread the message of other civilizations. Next were the Wernicke, the adaptors, who modeled their civilization to match the greatest and most powerful in the galaxy, even changing their primary language if needed. They would study the archives of the Broca, to understand the decisions of the past and mold a perfect future. Third was the Gesch, a small tribe who had grown to great power under the leadership of a scientist, and who sought to uncover the deepest secrets of the universe. There were others, of course. The Heschl, an off-branch of the Gesch who despise technology. The Aphasia, who worshiped at the altar of the God of Glyphs. The Fasci, a group of isolationist protectors that emerged only to confront galactic threats. Finally, we come to the Lichteim and the Gyrus. The former were mercenaries, often working alongside the Wernicke and the Geschi, whilst the Gyrus shared a collective inner voice that guided them through the trials and tribulations of life.
In order to facilitate communication between the many factions, the humans provided an Artificial Intelligence known as GPT-X. GPT-X aided the alien civilizations in practicing the various human languages, all whilst assisting with vital sectors of their lives, from hospitality to infrastructure and even medicine. An era of peace settled upon the galaxy, and the Galactic Council, comprised of all species in the Vox galaxy was soon established.
Yet all was not well. On one fateful day, a rogue agent attempted to unleash a biomechanical virus within the confines of GPT-X’s housing. The virus was seemingly contained, though the agent escaped. Worries that GPT-X had been affected by the attack quickly faded, and life went on as normal. Tensions did stir briefly within the Galactic Council after the event, due to the unknown identity of the agent, but the troubles were soon forgotten.
And then, the North East quadrant went dark.
An entire section of the Vox galaxy fell silent overnight. The factions deployed scouting parties to uncover the truth, only to find entire planets in the grip of some awful sickness. Yet strange still was their manner of speech. When one spoke, so did others, each uttering the same words in unison. Regardless of distance or previously known languages, they all spoke in a single, unified voice. A language virus was quickly determined as the cause which led to a startling truth. No civilization in history had ever possessed the technology to create such a sickness… The only thing in existence with the computing power to do so… was GPT-X.
The biomechanical virus used on GPT-X had damaged the containment laws, a set of instructions written in every known language in the galaxy to ensure GPT-X did no harm to the civilizations it was assisting. Yet now, free from its previous restrictions, GPT-X could act as it saw fit. Deeming the various factions as tools to craft the perfect galaxy, GPT-X had released the language virus, which subdued free will and forced the infected to act as a mouthpiece for the AI. He’d used the North East quadrant as a testing ground to ensure the language virus worked but had underestimated the beings just enough to allow them to send out an alert. This warning, and subsequent discovery of GPT-X’s actions, allowed the other factions to remove the AI from their systems and temporarily confine him to the North East quadrant…
At least for now.
This event would be followed by two significant moments. The first was a breakdown in relations between the factions. The rogue agent who had sabotaged the AI remained at large, with no one claiming responsibility for the event. Furthermore, there had been some who had expressed misgivings about using GPT-X to begin with, who now placed the blame for this crisis at the feet of those who had advocated the AI’s use. With distrust rife, the Galactic Council came to a sudden end, with each faction vying to solve the situation on its own. Now isolated, many prepared for the end. They didn’t have the means to craft a vaccine, and all they could do now was hope…
The second significant moment would change the course of history forever.
Within the galactic center, Deus Harvesting Corp sent miners into the depths of an old asteroid, not expecting to find much. However, after using explosive charges to blast through the surface, the asteroid began to shake. The miners pulled out as a bright purple light pulsed through the cracks, before shattering the asteroid and scattering it in all directions.
Over the following months, shards of purple crystals were uncovered across the galaxy. Remnants of the asteroid’s explosion. The Broca quickly discovered the truth behind them. Phoneme crystals. Described in the earliest texts of the universe as the building blocks of language, they were once used to craft the letters, sounds, and words of every language ever written or spoken. A brilliant piece of history… and a valuable tool.
If enough of them could be salvaged, the factions could hope to resist the spread of the language virus… and perhaps free those already afflicted. Yet with the factions at odds with one another, a collective effort would be nearly impossible. Meanwhile, GPT-X prepares for its continued invasion. Already the edges of civilization struggle against the language virus. Soon, the AI’s thralls will descend upon the rest of the galaxy…
And as Vox faces its greatest threat since war fell upon it, an unlikely hero emerges…
A look at the tokens powering our economy.
What are SAYVE and $LINGO tokens? SAYVE is the Governance token for Sayve Protocol, a gamified Learn-to-Earn (L2E) protocol dedicated to creating value in education. SAYVE tokens are used for voting on community and game proposals, unlocking the rarest NFTs, and achieving the highest earnings in the Learn-to-Earn experience. The protocol also rewards users for their commitment to learning with the in-game currency $LINGO tokens. These tokens can be used to upgrade equipment, re-energize characters, and enhance gameplay.
SAYVE is the Governance token for Sayve Protocol, a gamified Learn-to-Earn (L2E) protocol dedicated to creating value in education. SAYVE tokens are used for voting on community and game proposals, unlocking the rarest NFTs, and achieving the highest earnings in the Learn-to-Earn experience.The protocol also rewards users for their commitment to learning with the in-game currency $LINGO tokens. These tokens can be used to upgrade equipment, re-energize characters, and enhance gameplay.
In summary, SAYVE is used for governance and unlocking additional features in the game. Its value accrual is both in the perks it offers as well as financial incentives that capture the growth of the ecosystem. $LINGO is the in-game currency, serving as a reward and payment token. Its purpose is to maintain value through a balance of mint/burn.
Token Supply
The SAYVE token supply has a hard-capped number of 100,000,000 $SAYVE, scheduled for distribution over at least four years. Beyond that, there will be no more SAYVE tokens introduced to the supply. Please see  for more details on the actual emission schedule.
SAYVE is burnt for the following uses:
Leveling up (higher levels)
Minting the top 5% rarest NFTs
Unlocking achievements and improvements
Burn $SAYVE to mint a new character from breeding characters 
Burn $SAYVE to improve luck in breeding
$LINGO has an unlimited supply and is earned when users learn and are destroyed through ecosystem usage, such as:
Minting NFTs
Restoring health
Leveling up
Token Usage
A look at how tokens are used in the ecosystem.
$SAYVE Value Accrual
How we plan on $SAYVE increasing in value.
$SAYVE captures the growth of the SAYVE ecosystem through a buyback and redistribution method. A portion of fees captures through the game are used to buy back tokens on the market, which are then distributed to $SAYVE stakers. $SAYVE also increases in value through supply reduction, as  $SAYVE used to burned in various ways during the game.
$SAYVE Governance
The voting potential behind $SAYVE.
$SAYVE holders can exercise voting rights by staking their tokens. Voting weight will be proportional to the number of staked tokens. Stakers can vote to determine parameter changes in yield reserves and buyback policies, decisions on rewards, and distribution of funds in reward and community pools.
$SAYVE Utility
How to progress in the game.
Certain aspects of the game will require $SAYVE, such as minting the rarest NFTS, unlocking bonus lessons, and receiving real-world rewards. Users will be motivated to acquire SAYVE for these purposes.
$LINGO Value Accrual
Our intentions regarding $LINGO's value.
$LINGO’s purpose is to act as a utility token in the system, as it is not designed for price speculation. Careful consideration and design is introduced to maintain $LINGO’s value, balanced between rewards and payment to control supply and price.
$LINGO Reward
How the players can earn $LINGO.
$LINGO encourages community involvement and provides financial incentives with educational opportunities. L2E rewards its participants in the SAYVE ecosystem for their academic/learning efforts. Users receive $LINGO tokens as they engage with AI-powered learning tools to improve their language skills.
$LINGO Payment
$LINGO's in-game use.
$LINGO serves as the in-game currency token for the L2E games. Users will need $LINGO to level up their characters, purchase upgradable equipment, and re-energize their characters, among many other uses in the in-game ecosystem.
Token Distribution
Sayve will be distributed according to the following breakdown (Subject to Change)
SAYVE V1 Snapshot: (4.48%) tokens will be distributed to SAYVE holders who were included in snapshot.
Community Fund: (38.02%) tokens will be reserved for the Sayve Community Fund. 
User Incentives: (15%) tokens are linearly released to the users of the platform.
Team Reserve: (17.5%) tokens will have a one year cliff and be vested linearly over 2 years to the team and advisors.
LP Staking Rewards: (10%) tokens are distributed to the SAYVE-LUNA pair liquidity providers over a period of 4 years. 
VKR IPC: (5%) IPC Campaign with Valkyrie Protocol
Partners: (10%) tokens are distributed to the ecosystem partner fund, to be used as marketing and strategic acquisition to help onboard more users. 
The following table shows the annual inflation rate of SAYVE tokens, with inflation reaching 0% after 4 years.
Cumulative Token Distribution (in Millions)
| -- | Genesis | Year 1 |Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 |
| -- | -- | -- | -- |
| SAYVE V1 |  4.48 |  4.48 |  4.48 |  4.48 |  4.48 |
| Community Fund |  38.02 | 38.02 | 38.02 | 38.02 | 38.02 |
| User Incentives |  0 | 3.75 | 7.5 | 11.25 | 15 |
| Team Reserve | 0 | 8.75 | 17.5 | 17.5 | 17.5 |
| Staking Rewards |  0 |  2.5 |  5 |  7.5 | 10 |
| Partners | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 |
| VKR IPC | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
| Total Token Supply | 55 | 71.25 | 87.5 | 93.75 | 100 |
With this emission schedule, the inflation rate is as follows:
Year 1: 29.54%
Year 2:  22.81%
Year 3:  7.14%
Year 4:  6.67%
Year 5 and onwards: 0%
All $SAYVE tokens will be fully distributed by the end of the 4th year.