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Their Official site text: 

I. Introduction
 • Explanation of TwitterDoge's inspiration and purpose
 • Overview of the whitepaper contents
II. The Problem
 • Explanation of the issues facing traditional charitable giving and education systems
 • How TwitterDoge aims to address these issues
III. TwitterDoge Features
 • Description of TwitterDoge's core features, including:
 • Charity donations via blockchain technology
 • Token burning mechanism
 • Educational Platform
 • Decentralized Governance
 • Partnering with Content Creators and In!uencers
 • Future Expansion
 • Bene"ts for users and the wider community
IV. The Token
 • Description of the TwitterDoge token and its technical speci"cations
 • Explanation of the token burning mechanism and its bene"ts
V. The Roadmap
VI. Token Economy
VII. Conclusion
 • Summary of the vision and goals for TwitterDoge
 • Call to action for potential investors and supporters
Table Of Contents
Twitter Doge is a cryptocurrency project inspired by Elon Musk's endorsement
of Dogecoin and his in!uential presence on Twitter. This meme-based digital
currency has a unique goal: to become the leading platform for charitable
giving, education, and information-sharing. Our vision is to harness the power
of blockchain technology and social media to create positive change in the
world, and to provide a fun and accessible way for people to support causes that
matter to them.
In this whitepaper, we will outline our vision, features, and roadmap for Twitter
Doge, and explain how we plan to achieve our goals. Our mission is to empower
individuals and organizations to make a di#erence in their communities, and to
create a more transparent and e$cient way of giving that bene"ts everyone
involved. We believe that by combining the power of cryptocurrency, social
media, and charity, we can make a real impact in the world and create a brighter
future for all.
The world is facing a variety of pressing issues, from poverty and inequality to environmental degradation and social
injustice. Despite the e#orts of governments, non-pro"ts, and individuals to address these problems, there is still a
long way to go to achieve a truly sustainable and equitable society. One of the main challenges is the lack of transparency and accountability in charitable giving. Many people are unsure of where their donations are going, and whether
they are actually making a di#erence. This has led to a sense of cynicism and mistrust among some donors, which can
ultimately undermine the e#ectiveness of charitable e#orts.
Another issue is the lack of access to quality education and information. Many people around the world do not have
the resources or opportunities to learn and grow, which can limit their potential and lead to further inequality. In addition, the information landscape can be confusing and overwhelming, with a lot of misinformation and disinformation
circulating on social media and other platforms. This can make it di$cult for people to make informed decisions and
contribute to positive change.
At Twitter Doge, we believe that these problems can be addressed through the power of cryptocurrency and social
media. By leveraging blockchain technology, we can create a transparent and secure system for charitable giving that
ensures that donations go where they are needed most. By harnessing the in!uence of social media, we can create a
global community of individuals and organizations who share our vision of a better world. And by incorporating educational resources and information-sharing into our platform, we can empower people to learn and grow, and contribute to positive change in their own communities and beyond.
The Problem
1- Charitable Donations: Twitter Doge's primary focus is on charitable giving. The token will provide
an easy and secure way for users to donate to their preferred charities directly. This feature will set
Twitter Doge apart from other cryptocurrencies and provide a unique value proposition.
2- Token Burning: To maintain the long-term value of the token, Twitter Doge will incorporate
scheduled token burning events. These events will create scarcity and drive up the value of the
3- Educational Platform: Twitter Doge will create an educational platform that o#ers free access to
quality learning materials, courses, and educational resources. This feature will empower users to
improve their skills and knowledge, and contribute to their personal and professional growth.
4- Decentralized Governance: Twitter Doge will implement a decentralized governance system that
allows users to participate in the decision-making process. This feature ensures that the community
has a say in the direction of the project and fosters a sense of ownership among the users.
5- Partnering with Content Creators and In!uencers: Twitter Doge will partner with content
creators and in!uencers to help support our cause. This feature will allow us to reach a wider audience and raise awareness about our charitable e#orts.
6- Future Expansion: Twitter Doge has plans for future expansion beyond charity and education, as
the project gains adoption and success. The team will explore other avenues to utilize the token,
such as e-commerce, NFTs, and more.
Twitter Doge Features
 The Token
Token Name: Twitter Doge
Token Symbol: TWDO
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000,000
Token Type: BEP-20
Token Standard: ERC-20 compatible
Contract Address : 0xDDA5d6B9Cc5766f377375c41fdB2d41703f4dAAd
The Twitter Doge token (TWDO) has a total supply of 1,000,000,000,000 and a 5% tax on transactions.
When token selling is enabled, 2% of the collected tokens are allocated to marketing e#orts, 2% to the
team, and 1% to liquidity. The collected tokens are sold in an automated manner using an algorithm on the
smart contract. However, the team has the option to disable this feature and extract the tokens collected
from the smart contract.
In addition, the Twitter Doge smart contract includes a withdraw function which allows the team to extract
any BNB that may be stuck in the contract. This feature ensures the liquidity of the token and prevents any
potential issues that may arise from funds being trapped in the contract. Moreover, the contract has a burn
functionality which can only be called by the owner. This feature allows for a reduction in the total supply
of tokens in circulation, increasing the token's scarcity and potentially driving up its value.
 The Roadmap
Launch and Token Distribution
 Launch Twitter Doge cryptocurrency on a PancakeSwap
 Distribute tokens through a public sale to create a community of supporters
 Launch a social media campaign to raise awareness of the token and its charitable mission
Charity Partnerships
 Partner with reputable charity organizations to support their initiatives
 Develop a vetting process to ensure that our contributions are going to meaningful causes
 Allocate a portion of platform revenue towards supporting charitable initiatives
 Develop partnerships with in!uencers and celebrities who share our mission to amplify our impact
 Increase token value and reduce supply by implementing a token burn mechanism
Community Engagement
 Host Twitter Doge donation drives for di#erent causes on social media
 Increase long term value of the token by burning a big portion of the total supply
 Creating charity programs to highlight di#erent organizations and encourage donations
 Incentivize users to donate Twitter Doge tokens to charity through discounts or merchandise
 Partner with experts to create a free educational platform that empowers individuals
Token Burn and Sustainability
 Implement a token burn mechanism to create scarcity and drive up token value
 Create a sustainability plan to ensure that our charitable initiatives can be funded long-term
 Expand our community of supporters and partners to increase our impact and reach
 Token Economy
Twitter Doge's token economy is designed to ensure the long-term value and sustainability of the project, while
promoting charitable causes and supporting operations.
50% of the total token supply will be burned, reducing the overall supply and increasing the value of the remaining
10% of the tokens will be allocated to liquidity and CEX, which will be locked in a liquidity pool to provide stability and
enable trading on centralized exchanges.
10% of the tokens will be allocated to educational initiatives, including partnerships with educational institutions and
content creators to promote "nancial literacy and crypto education.
20% of the tokens will be allocated to charitable causes, focusing on initiatives that support children's health, research
to combat diseases, and humanitarian e#orts.
10% of the tokens will be allocated to support the project's operations and team, including marketing, development,
and community building.
This distribution ensures that the project remains sustainable, while also providing support to causes that align with
the project's values. The token economy has been carefully designed to promote long-term growth and value for Twitter Doge holders, while also contributing to the greater good.
In conclusion, Twitter Doge is a meme-based cryptocurrency that aims to
become the leading digital currency for charity, education, and information-sharing. Inspired by Elon Musk's a$nity for Dogecoin and his in!uential
presence on Twitter, Twitter Doge has a unique approach to achieving its goals.
By partnering with content creators and in!uencers, Twitter Doge intends to
leverage their reach to support its cause, while the scheduled token burning
events will create scarcity and maintain the token's long-term value.
With a total supply of 1,000,000,000,000 and a tax of 5%, Twitter Doge is
designed to ensure that the collected tokens are sold in an automated manner
using an algorithm on the smart contract. If token selling is enabled, 2% of the
collected tokens will go to marketing, 2% to the team, and 1% to liquidity. The
smart contract also has a withdrawal function to extract BNB that may be stuck
in the contract, and a burn functionality that can be called by the owner to
reduce total supply.
Twitter Doge's success will be driven by its community and its ability to continue delivering on its mission to support charity, education, and information-sharing. We invite everyone to join us on this journey and help us make a
positive impact on the world.