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Cryptolinks by Nate Urbas Crypto Trader, Bitcoin Miner, Holder

Spot the Next Big Crypto of 2024

22 May 2024
candlestick chart Downtrends on mobile screens and stacks of coins

Do you want to outsmart the crowd and pinpoint the next major crypto breakout in 2024? With thousands of options scrolling by, the crypto world can feel like a chaotic whirlwind of potential gains and painful losses. It’s easy to get lost among the sea of digital currencies, each one shining like a new, tempting promise. The stakes are high, especially with the fear of missing out on the next Bitcoin or Ethereum tugging at your mind. It’s a tough gig—choosing the next big thing without falling prey to scams that seem more sophisticated by the day. This guide is here to cut through the noise and help you zero in on genuine opportunities, avoiding costly mistakes. With a clear roadmap, you’ll gain the know-how to make smart, informed picks, sidestep the fraudsters, and maybe catch the wave of the next crypto superstar. Ready to up your crypto game and spot those hidden gems? Let’s dig into how you can get ahead of the curve for 2024!

What’s the Problem?

Isometric 3D rendering gold Bitcoin with iron trap

Navigating through thousands of cryptocurrencies can be overwhelming.

Too many options

It’s hard to know which crypto to invest in with so many choices. Imagine scrolling through lists of coins, each one promising the moon. It’s like looking for a needle in a digital haystack.

Fear of missing out (FOMO)

You don’t want to miss the next Bitcoin or Ethereum. We’ve all heard stories of those who got in early and made fortunes. FOMO can lead to impulsive decisions, often resulting in loss rather than gain.

Risk of scams

Not all cryptocurrencies are legit. Some are scams looking to take your money. Scammers are getting more sophisticated, making it crucial to distinguish genuine opportunities from potentially disastrous pitfalls.

Promise a Solution

This guide will help you identify potential winners, reducing your risk and anxiety. We’ll lay out a roadmap to help you make informed decisions, steering clear of scams, and hopefully catching the next big wave.

Overview of what’s coming

We’ll cover criteria to check out, top contenders, and expert opinions. You’ll learn which factors are essential when evaluating a new cryptocurrency and get some inside tips on the most promising options for 2024.

Are you ready to uncover the secrets of spotting the next big crypto? Let’s get started with understanding market capitalization and how it can be your guide to potential success. Time for the next step!

Understanding Market Capitalization

cryptocurrency prices on CoinMarketCap app

Market capitalization, often called market cap, is a crucial metric that can tell you a lot about a cryptocurrency’s growth potential. Let’s break it down.

What is market cap?

Simply put, market cap is the total value of all coins currently in circulation. It’s calculated by multiplying the current price of a single coin by the total number of coins available.

For example, if a cryptocurrency has 1 million coins in circulation and each coin is worth $10, the market cap would be $10 million. It’s a straightforward formula:

Market Cap = Current Price of a Coin ✕ Total Circulating Supply

Why it matters

Market cap helps you understand the relative size of a cryptocurrency. A higher market cap often indicates a more stable asset that can withstand market fluctuations better than one with a lower market cap.

Here’s why you should care:

  • Stability: Cryptos with a high market cap like Bitcoin or Ethereum tend to be more stable investments. These coins have more significant support and less drastic swings, making them safer options.
  • Potential for Growth: While stability is great, low market cap coins are where many investors seek substantial growth. These smaller projects can sometimes transform into the next big thing. Think about Ethereum’s growth before it hit mainstream popularity.
  • Risk Assessment: High market cap cryptos are less risky compared to smaller, newer coins. It helps you gauge the risk levels before you make any investments.

In essence, a coin’s market cap offers a snapshot of its potential and risk, enabling better decision-making for you. But remember, it’s just one part of the bigger picture.

Before you make any final decisions, you’ll also want to consider a coin’s fundamentals, technology, and use cases. Ready to explore how these factors impact long-term potential? Stay with us and get the full scoop in the next section!

Look for Strong Fundamentals

Fundamental and technical analysis of stock market as concept.

Investing in cryptocurrencies can feel a bit like navigating a maze. Which ways lead to jackpots and which to dead ends? One clue is to focus on strong fundamentals. Let’s dig into why this matters.

Team and Technology

“Great things in business are never done by one person; they’re done by a team of people.” – Steve Jobs.

In the crypto world, this couldn’t be truer. Do your research on the development team behind the project. Are they reputable? Do they have a track record of success in technology or financial ventures? For instance, the Cardano project is well-regarded because it’s backed by a team of academics and engineers, led by Charles Hoskinson, a co-founder of Ethereum.

Next, take a look at the technology itself. How innovative is it? What problems does it aim to solve? For example, Solana has captured the crypto community’s attention due to its high-speed blockchain and lower transaction costs. These technical merits often attract more users and, consequently, investors.

Real-World Use Cases

Another pillar of strong fundamentals is practical application. A cryptocurrency with real-world use cases is more likely to thrive in the long run. For example, VeChain’s focus on supply chain logistics has already found adoption in industries from luxury goods to agriculture.

Real-world use cases provide an actual demand for the crypto, driving its utility and value. Think of Chainlink, which integrates with smart contracts to fetch real-world data. Such practical implementations have led to widespread adoption by various decentralized applications (dApps).

In essence, the more a cryptocurrency proves its utility, the more likely it is to succeed. A strong project doesn’t exist in isolation; it participates in an ecosystem and has tangible, impactful use.

So, now that you understand the importance of strong fundamentals, it’s time to explore which cryptocurrencies are turning heads and making waves. But which ones exactly? Let’s find out!

Popular Contenders for 2024

Checking out popular options can give you a head start in spotting the next big crypto.

Binance Coin (BNB)

BNB coin is placed on the screen with a downtrend candlestick chart. Cryptocurrency Trading Ideas

Why should you keep an eye on Binance Coin (BNB)? It’s powered by the Binance Exchange, one of the largest and most trusted crypto exchanges in the world. Binance Coin is more than just a trading asset—it’s used for multiple purposes within the Binance ecosystem, from paying transaction fees to earning rewards. Recent reports from CoinMarketCap have shown consistent growth, and experts argue that its utility gives it staying power.

“Utility value is the true driver of cryptocurrency adoption and Binance Coin is a prime example of that.” — Crypto Analyst

Solana (SOL)

Solana SOL Cryptocurrency Physical Coin placed on crypto altcoins

Solana has been making waves due to its high-performance blockchain. Designed to support decentralized apps and crypto projects at lightning-fast speeds, Solana boasts an impressive transaction speed with significantly lower fees compared to Ethereum. Its unique Proof of History (PoH) consensus is a game-changer in speeding up the process. According to recent data on Solana Labs, its adoption rate is on the rise, making it a strong contender for 2024.

Dogecoin (DOGE)

Dogecoin DOGE group included with Cryptocurrency coin

Started as a meme, Dogecoin has exceeded all expectations to become a consistent topic in crypto predictions. It’s not just about the fun—its active community and growing list of accepted uses have kept it relevant. Celebrities like Elon Musk have also boosted its credibility, leading to increased adoption. Recent statistics from Coindesk reveal that Dogecoin’s trading volume remains strong, hinting at continued interest and potential growth.

Intrigued by these popular contenders but looking for the next rising star or a meme coin that could make a big splash? Stay tuned as we look at some fascinating new and quirky coins coming up next.

Rising Stars and Meme Coins

Pepe cryptocurrency PEPE Token, Cryptocurrency logo is displayed on smartphone screen.

Ah, the wonderful world of rising stars and meme coins. These quirky and often underrated coins sometimes make a massive splash in the crypto market. As someone always on the lookout for the next big thing, you might want to put a pin here.


Yes, you read that right—ButtChain. This coin might sound silly, but don’t let its name fool you. Meme coins like these often gain traction because of their community-driven hype and the viral nature of social media.

  • Engagement: The community backing these coins is usually very active, which helps maintain interest.
  • Accessibility: ButtChain and similar coins are generally easy for the everyday person to understand and invest in. You don’t need a degree in rocket science to get in on it!
  • Virality: According to a study, meme coins often see a considerable price spike due to social media virality.

Meme coins bring a bit of fun and humor into the serious world of cryptocurrency. Remember Dogecoin? What started as a joke is now a real player in the crypto world. So, keep your eyes on meme coins like ButtChain; you never know which one might take off next.


If you’re looking for something a bit more futuristic yet exciting, Dogeverse might be your jam. Dogeverse offers massive staking rewards, making it an attractive option for those wanting to maximize gains in 2024.

  • High Staking Rewards: One of the standout features is its staking rewards. If you’re willing to commit your Dogeverse tokens for a while, you could see substantial returns.
  • NFT Integration: Dogeverse also has plans to integrate NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), bringing you into the rapidly growing world of digital art and unique assets.
  • Community Support: The community around Dogeverse is continuously growing, with increasing Twitter followers and active Reddit threads. According to a recent study, strong community engagement often correlates with long-term success in the crypto market.

“Sometimes the ironic becomes iconic,” said an anonymous crypto enthusiast who saw Dogecoin explode. That sentiment couldn’t be more accurate when it comes to rising stars and meme coins. Keep in mind that the road to discovering these is paved with a blend of research and a pinch of instinct.

Ready to explore more expert opinions and resources to guide your crypto journey? You definitely won’t want to miss what’s next.

Expert Opinions and Resources

Human hand stacking coins over a black background with hexagonal golden shapes.

When it comes to making smart moves in the cryptocurrency world, trustworthy advice is gold. But where can you find these golden nuggets of wisdom? Let’s see what the experts have to say and the resources you should be checking out.

Forbes Advisor

Forbes Advisor is a trusted name in financial news and offers some of the best insights and predictions for cryptocurrencies. Their latest article on the next big altcoins to buy for the 2024 bull run highlights some interesting choices. For example, they strongly suggest keeping an eye on Dogecoin (DOGE) given its massive community and mainstream recognition. Their analyses often include both technical and social factors, providing a well-rounded view that can help you make a more informed decision.


Techopedia is another excellent resource. They cover a range of technological and financial topics, including a detailed article on the next crypto to explode. They take a closer look at innovation and technological developments in the crypto space, which are crucial for identifying potential winners. Their focus on real-world applications and technological advancements can filter out a lot of noise, helping you focus on what’s genuinely valuable.


Last but not least, Fool.com provides some solid cryptocurrency recommendations. Their articles give an in-depth look into emerging trends and help you understand the risks and rewards of various cryptocurrencies. For those looking to spot the ‘next Bitcoin,’ their recommendations are a must-read. They emphasize understanding the fundamentals, which aligns perfectly with what we’ve discussed so far in this guide. If you want balanced, well-researched advice, Fool.com won’t let you down.

The more information and varied perspectives you gather, the better your chances of making a sound investment. So, what comes next in our journey to making a smart crypto choice? In the final part, we’ll pull everything together and help you make an informed decision that fits your goals.

Making Your Choice

Man hand stacked coins with money saving concept and profit graph business finance in a piggy bank

We’ve talked about market cap, strong fundamentals, popular contenders, and even the rising stars in the crypto world. Now it’s time to pull everything together so you can make an informed decision.

Review Criteria

When deciding on which cryptocurrency to invest in, keep the following criteria in mind:

  • Market Cap: A higher market cap often indicates stability and potential for growth.
  • Team and Technology: The team behind a crypto and its underlying technology are crucial. Do they have a solid track record? Are they innovative?
  • Real-World Use Cases: Practical applications can make a huge difference. How is the crypto being used in the real world?

Stay Informed

The crypto world is fast-paced and always changing. To stay ahead, it’s important to keep up with the latest news and trends. Here are some tips to stay informed:

  • Follow Cryptocurrency News: Websites like CryptoLinks, Forbes, and Fool.com can provide valuable insights.
  • Join Forums and Communities: Platforms like Reddit, Discord, and Telegram have vibrant communities where you can learn a lot from discussions.
  • Attend Webinars and Conferences: These can provide firsthand insights from industry experts.

Conclusion: Your Next Steps

You now have a good foundation to start your research. Here’s a quick recap:

  • Understand the importance of market cap and its impact on growth potential.
  • Look into the team behind the crypto and its real-world applications.
  • Consider both popular contenders and new, exciting projects.
  • Keep updated with crypto news and expert opinions.

Take the time to research and analyze each option. Your due diligence can be the difference between a good investment and a regret. Happy investing!

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