
8.22 %
Change 24h
January 31, 2019
Market Cap
$ 407,731,660
Volume 24h
$ 19,007,025
Circulating Supply
Total Supply
# Exchange Pair Price Volume 24h


Zilliqa (ZIL) is a token developed in the year 2017. Zilliqa is mainly based on the concept of Sharding and primarily aims at improving the scalability of the cryptocurrency networks as in case of Bitcoin or Ethereum. The white paper mentions that the transactions speed would be approximately a thousand times more than that of Ethereum network. Ziliqa is fast, secured and decentralized. Zilliqa’s high throughput means that you can focus on developing your ideas without worrying about network congestion, high transaction fees or security which are the key issues with legacy blockchain platforms. Zilliqa network uses a concept called Sharding where the transactions are grouped into smaller groups and divided among the miners for the parallel transactional verification. Developing smaller groups for transactional verification means the Consensus can be reached faster and hence a higher number of transactions can be processed in a given time frame. The capacity of the network linearly increases in other cryptocurrencies as the number of people joins the network, but in this case, the capacity is increased at a higher variable rate than the number of members joining the network. By incorporating the Sharding Technology, it can completely revolutionize the smart contract functionality too. Ziliqa has few pros as it has a great new technology. Zilliqa is the first platform to use sharding technology. This puts it ahead of the rest of the market. It’s a completely new kind of blockchain designed to solve the problem of scalability. Third-generation platforms like Zilliqa could be the big winners in the future of cryptocurrency. Ziliqa has a strong community. The platform has a lot of fans. The Zilliqa ICO only happened because there was so much demand for it. The Zilliqa ICO also shows that the crypto community is ready to see blockchain technology move to the next phase of its development.

Unboxing Zilliqa (ZIL): A Comprehensive Review

The blockchain buzz is real, and Zilliqa is right at the heart of it, turning heads with its innovative approach to some pretty tough challenges that have long vexed the crypto community. Picture this: an industry itching for a breakthrough in scalability and transaction speeds, and that's where Zilliqa swoops in. It's not just any other blockchain contender; it's a platform with a promise—sharding, a technique they're banking on to make transaction processing zippy and cost-effective. Imagine thousands of transactions flying through every second, transforming how businesses and developers engage with blockchain tech. So, why should you keep your eyes peeled for Zilliqa? Because it's not just raising the bar; it might just be setting an entirely new standard in the blockchain world. Let's cut through the noise and see what Zilliqa's all about—its revolutionary potential might just surprise you.

Challenges with Existing Blockchain Solutions

The blockchain revolution has brought about unprecedented innovation, but not without its share of hurdles. The main issues that have been plaguing this technology are:

  • Scalability: As more users jump on the blockchain bandwagon, the systems struggle to handle the increased load, leading to bottlenecks.
  • Transaction Speed: With scalability woes come slow transaction times, causing frustration among users who crave efficiency.

These problems underscore the need for a robust blockchain infrastructure that can scale effectively while maintaining high transaction speeds. Now the question arises, how does Zilliqa address these endemic issues? Stick around as we unveil the answers soon.

The Zilliqa (ZIL) Solution

A fresh breeze in the realm of blockchain technology, Zilliqa introduces itself as a potential game-changer, equipped to tackle the very issues that have become stumbling blocks for its predecessors. But what exactly is Zilliqa, and why should you pay attention to its approach?

In brief, Zilliqa is a blockchain platform that promises a high throughput of transactions with the ability to process thousands of transactions per second. Utilizing a unique technology known as sharding, Zilliqa aims to pave the way for a more scalable, faster, and cost-efficient blockchain.

The impact of these advancements isn't just technical jargon; it holds practical implications for businesses, developers, and users alike who are all searching for reliable infrastructure to build upon and transact with. But how does Zilliqa's approach translate into real-world performance? And what does this mean for the future of Zilliqa as a core component of the blockchain ecosystem?

Stay tuned as we delve deeper into the revolutionary technology that powers Zilliqa, unravel its distinct edge, and explore the potential it holds for shaping the future of blockchain. Are you intrigued to see how Zilliqa stands out from the crowd with its sharding technology? Because what's coming up will not only enlighten you but possibly also ignite a spark of interest in Zilliqa's green approach to blockchain technology. Are you ready?

Decoding the Zilliqa Technology

What sets Zilliqa apart in a sea of cryptocurrencies? The answer lies not just in what it aims to do, but how it does it. Strap in, as we delve into the technological wizardry that is the driving force behind Zilliqa.

Zilliqa's Sharding Technology

Imagine a crowded grocery store with only one checkout line—frustrating, right? Now, imagine if new checkouts opened up, distributing the shoppers evenly and speeding up the whole process. That's the essence of Zilliqa's sharding technique. By dividing its network into several smaller component networks, or 'shards', it processes transactions in parallel, leading to a high throughput. This means more transactions can be processed at a faster rate without bogging down the network.

  • Scalability Perfection: Sharding makes Zilliqa highly scalable, accommodating the network's growth seamlessly.
  • Increased Transactions per Second (TPS): More shards equate to more transactions being processed simultaneously, giving Zilliqa an edge with its high TPS.
  • Proof of the Pudding: Zilliqa has successfully managed to process thousands of transactions per second, showcasing the practical efficacy of sharding.

Zilliqa's Eco-friendly approach

In an age where sustainability is paramount, a blockchain not only has to be efficient but eco-friendly too. Zilliqa's minimal energy consumption is a testament to this ethos. The platform achieves this with its hybrid consensus mechanism, which marries Proof of Work (PoW) with Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (pBFT), requiring significantly less energy compared to traditional PoW blockchains.

"Efficiency is doing better what is already being done." - Peter Drucker

And that's exactly what Zilliqa aims for—it does blockchain better, smarter, and greener. As we move toward a more conscious future, Zilliqa's forward-thinking technology does not simply contribute to a faster blockchain, but a more sustainable one too.

With all this tech talk, one might wonder: beyond the clever algorithms and energy-saving tactics, does Zilliqa have what it takes to be a solid investment? Stay tuned, as we peel back the layers of market predictions, investment analysis, and the burgeoning adoption that could shape the destiny of Zilliqa.

Is Zilliqa a Good Investment for the Future?

Peering into the crystal ball of cryptocurrency investments, savvy investors constantly hunt for projects with a robust technological foundation and real-world applications. Among the myriad options, Zilliqa emerges as a promising contender.

Zilliqa Price Prediction

Unfolding the charts of future predictions, expert opinions on Zilliqa's market value are as diverse as the shades of the market itself. With its technological vigor, Zilliqa has cultivated both cautious optimism and enthusiastic forecasts among seasoned analysts:

  • Some see a bright horizon bolstered by its technological advancements resonating with market needs.
  • Others base their projections on historical price movements, drawing patterns that hint at positive momentum.

However, it’s the balanced blend of analytical models and market sentiment that sketches the most compelling image of Zilliqa's financial journey ahead.

Market Conditions

The crypto wind vane spins with rapid shifts in market trends, and Zilliqa is no stranger to these gusts. Evaluating how the broader economic currents might affect Zilliqa entails:

  • Monitoring regulatory shifts that could either fast-track adoption or temporarily hamstring development.
  • Staying vigilant on the competitive landscape where new players and tech upgrades are daily bread.

It's crucial to remember that the crypto ecosystem is entwined with the global economy's fabric. Volatility is an unwritten chapter in every crypto story, yet, Zilliqa's intrinsic qualities may well cushion the turbulence.

Zilliqa Adoption

The candle of Zilliqa's adoption burns brighter with each passing day, casting light on diverse industries that have welcomed this technology. Take, for instance:

  • Emerging partnerships announcing their preference for Zilliqa's infrastructure.
  • Developers creating dApps that leverage the full spectrum of Zilliqa’s offering.

It's the growing roster of real-use cases that herald Zilliqa as more than a mere digital asset—it's a tool shaping up to redefine future transactions.

"Innovation is the calling card of the future." - Anna Eshoo

The veracity of this statement resonates deeply with Zilliqa's journey. But beyond technological marvels and predictive charts, it is the heartfelt endorsement by global adopters that truly crafts a success narrative.

Now, mulling over this investment puzzle, we find ourselves at the crossroads of decision and speculation. Has the rising tide of technological prowess and market acceptance positioned Zilliqa as the investment treasure trove of tomorrow? While pondering that intriguing question, let's gear up to delve further behind the scenes of Zilliqa. Who are the visionaries architecting this blockchain marvel? Stay tuned to unveil the masterminds steering Zilliqa’s ship through the ever-changing crypto seas.

Behind the Scenes of Zilliqa

Peeking behind the curtain of innovative technologies like Zilliqa is pretty much like meeting the wizards of the digital age. It's the people and their boundless energy that pour life into projects that can shape the future. Let's bring the spotlight onto the vibrant backbone of Zilliqa and see what has propelled it to its current position in the crypto ecosystem.

Journey of Zilliqa

Every grand structure has its blueprint, and Zilliqa’s journey is adorned with significant milestones. From its initial days of just being an idea to solving one of the industry's toughest puzzles – scalability. It embraced sharding and rapidly transitioned from a promising project to a substantive platform that supports various decentralized applications (dApps). Remember, success like this doesn’t happen overnight; it reflects years of relentless pursuit and innovation.

Team behind Zilliqa

Now, have you ever wondered who are the maestros orchestrating Zilliqa's symphony? They are a coalition of seasoned academics, ingenious developers, and business strategists, all united for a single cause – to revolutionize how blockchain functions. Together, they’ve tackled complex problems with remarkable technology, setting the stage for a network that's not only swift but also energy-efficient. Dive into their official website and you can literally see the faces that fuel Zilliqa’s forward thrust.

Community Support

What’s a visionary project without its legion of supporters? Zilliqa is cocooned by a diverse, engaging community that acts as its pulse. These are the advocates, developers, and enthusiasts who not only use and support the platform but also partake in its governance. The consensus of the masses, social buzz, and community development projects – all these factors paint a clear picture of Zilliqa's acceptance and integration into the broader blockchain universe.

As we reach this junction, one can't help but wonder what lies ahead for Zilliqa. Is it the extensive networking events, hackathons, or the next vanguard innovation that will cement its legacy in this digital renaissance? Stay tuned, the continued tale of Zilliqa awaits you next, and it's just as electrifying as its inception!

Additional Resources for Zilliqa Enthusiasts

Hey fellow crypto enthusiasts! Let's gear up to expand your Zilliqa knowledge with some fantastic resources. These nuggets of wisdom will surely spice up your understanding and appreciation of this innovative blockchain. Ready to check them out?

Official Zilliqa website

First things first, why not hit the source directly? Peeking into the official Zilliqa website is like exploring a treasure trove. It's loaded with up-to-the-minute insights, technical details, and developments about ZIL. You'll get facts and updates straight from the Zilliqa wizards themselves!

Crypto forums and discussion boards

Want to get your hands dirty with real-time chit-chats and a kaleidoscope of opinions? Crypto forums and discussion boards are virtual goldmines. Places like Reddit, Bitcointalk, and CryptoCompare are buzzing with conversations where you can weigh in and measure the pulse of the community. Think of it as a 24/7 global round-table, minus the table!

Further Reading

If you're the bookworm-ish type and crave even more juice details about Zilliqa, let's feed that hunger. A galaxy of articles, thought-pieces, blog posts, and academic papers are at your disposal with a simple internet search. Whether it's a light read over coffee or a deep dive into technical papers, the learning never stops.

Wrap Up

Whew, that was quite the resource drop! I'm stoked to see where your newfound insights into Zilliqa will lead you. Whether you're researching for investment purposes or just satisfying your innate crypto curiosity, Zilliqa is a player that commands attention. Keep an eye on it within the ever-evolving blockchain landscape, and make sure to check back for more nuggets of wisdom. Till next time, keep your crypto passion fired up!