
1.55 %
Change 24h
February 26, 2018
Market Cap
$ 346,824,457
Volume 24h
$ 52,879,523
Circulating Supply
Total Supply
# Exchange Pair Price Volume 24h


Ontology is a new high-performance public blockchain project & a distributed trust collaboration platform.It provides new high-performance public blockchains that include a series of complete distributed ledgers and smart contract systems. Ontology is a blockchain framework supports public blockchain systems and is able to customize different public blockchains for different applications. It also supports collaboration amongst chain networks with its various protocol groups.They will constantly provide common modules on the underlying infrastructure for different kinds of distributed scenarios, such as those for the distributed digital identity framework, distributed data exchange protocol, and so on. Ontology was created in 2017 by a Chinese company called OnChain, which is led by founders Erik Zhang and Da HongFei. OnChain has had huge success in the cryptocurrency industry, as they were also the founders behind the NEO blockchain, which is now a multi-billion dollar project. Essentially, Ontology was created as a way for businesses of all sizes to install blockchain technology within their company, without having to completely change all of their current systems. The purpose of the Ontology framework is that it is not intended to operate as a single blockchain. Instead, the technology will allow businesses to make full use of both a private and public blockchain. Each and every data transaction is confirmed in a decentralized environment, meaning that no single person or authority can take control of the network.

Exploring Ontology (ONT): Your Complete Crypto Review

Ever found yourself pondering the bold move of investing in cryptocurrency, only to be stopped in your tracks by the sheer unpredictability of it all? You're not alone. The world of digital assets can be a labyrinth of complexity and volatility—one that, without the right information, might seem more gamble than investment. But what if I told you that there's a player in the game that might just change the stakes? Let's dive headfirst into Ontology (ONT) and see if it could be the crypto dark horse that investors have been waiting for.

The Uncertainty Surrounding Crypto Investments

Let's face it—putting your money into cryptocurrencies is no Sunday drive. It's a rollercoaster, complete with ups, downs, and the kind of twists that can turn stomachs:

  • Risks: From regulatory changes to market manipulation, the range of risks is as broad as it is daunting.
  • Unknowns: The crypto space is ever-evolving, with new technologies and coins popping up at breakneck speed.
  • Volatility: Prices can skyrocket or plummet on the turn of a dime, sometimes without a moment's notice.

These factors can deter even the most adventurous of investors. But hold on, don't let the fear of unknowns and volatility dampen your crypto curiosity just yet.

Ontology as a Potential Solution

Amidst this unpredictable sea, Ontology swims with a promise of stability and a vision that is hard to ignore. But what is it exactly about ONT that warrants a pause and a possible portfolio placement? Here are a few reasons why Ontology might be an investment haven within the crypto chaos:

  • Price Predictions: Various analysts have shared optimistic price predictions based on Ontology's market performance.
  • Market Behavior: With a history that reflects resilience in unstable times, ONT may present fewer risks compared to its peers.
  • Future Predictions: The potential for growth and adoption of the Ontology blockchain could translate to lucrative returns for early investors.

Are these reasons solid enough to bank on Ontology? What's behind its sort-of-stability in an unstable market? If you're grappling with these questions—good. You're asking the right things, and understanding the dynamics of Ontology is key in assessing its investment potential. Curious about diving deeper into what makes Ontology tick? Stay tuned, as we're about to unravel the ins and outs of ONT in the continued exploration of this fascinating crypto contender.


What's the Deal With Ontology (ONT)?

Hey there, crypto enthusiast! Have you heard the buzz about Ontology (ONT), but not quite sure what the chatter is all about? I'm right there with you. It's a project that's been on my radar for a while, and I've been keeping a keen eye on its development. Let's get down to business and unpack the world of Ontology together.

Understanding Ontology

Firstly, Ontology is a high-performance, open-source blockchain specializing in digital identity and data. Unlike many networks that require a heavy technical understanding, Ontology distances itself with a more user-friendly approach. It’s designed to be customizable and adaptable for a variety of business needs, aiming to become a bridge between the blockchain world and the everyday user.

Ontology's Unique Selling Points

Now, what's that special sauce that makes Ontology stand out in the lands of crypto? I've got you covered:

  • Trust Through Identity: Ontology's blockchain framework emphasizes trust. It enables businesses to create their own systems of verification, offering a layer of trust that integrates seamlessly with their current models. It's a game changer in an era where digital identity theft is on the rise.
  • High Scalability and Versatility: With a dual-token model (ONT and ONG), Ontology affords unique use-cases. This includes creating dApps across multiple industries such as finance, insurance, and government services - all without breaking a sweat on scalability.
  • Interconnectivity: In the siloed world of different blockchain protocols, Ontology plays nice with others. It allows for collaboration and data exchange between different blockchains, taking interoperability to the next level.

Let’s take a real-world example: picture a supply chain scenario where each participant needs to validate data sources quickly and reliably. Ontology facilitates this process by ensuring each data transaction is verifiable and traceable, which minimizes potential disputes or inaccuracies. It's like having a digital notary public at every step of the way.

"A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush." This old adage speaks to the intrinsic value of certainty and trust, which is at the core of what Ontology aims to provide in the often opaque world of digital interactions.

While Ontology's vision is grand, how does it hold up under the glare of real-world application? Does it truly provide the security and versatility it promises? That's the question on everyone's lips, and the key to whether this platform can carve out a significant place in the crowded crypto market.

So, are you now wondering about Ontology's market performance and whether the experts see it as a viable long-term player? Stay tuned. In the upcoming section, we'll take a closer look at the predictions and trends that might hint at Ontology's future value. Ready to see what's up the crypto analysts' sleeves?

Ontology (ONT) Price Predictions: A Closer Look

When it comes to discussing the future value of Ontology (ONT), it's like peering into a crystal ball sprinkled with logic, expert analysis, and a touch of hopeful speculation. We're going to break down the array of price predictions out there so you can feel more informed about this digital asset's potential pathway.

Short-Term Predictions

Time to zoom in on the immediate horizon. With 2023 and 2024 underway, the short-term forecasts give a snapshot of where ONT might head in the near future. Based on current market trends and expert analysis, here's what's being buzzed about:

  • Some analysts see ONT weathering the crypto storms, forecasting moderate growth as its technology gains adoption.
  • Others suggest that market sentiment, regulatory news, and overall crypto ecosystem health will play significant roles in ONT's short-term movements.
  • Day traders have also chimed in, highlighting the importance of trading volume and community engagement for ONT's price elasticity.

Whether you're considering dipping your toes in for a quick sprint or thinking about buckling up for a longer journey, these short-term predictions serve as vital signposts in the complex terrain of crypto trading.

Long-Term Predictions

Looking far out towards the tail end of this decade, the long-term visions for ONT stir up much conversation and debates. Projections up to 2030 envisage a broader range of possibilities:

  • Optimists talk about technological developments within the Ontology platform, anticipating a substantial increase in value as blockchain becomes more embedded in various sectors.
  • Some tech-driven forecast models, crunching numbers on algorithms and historical data, tease out scenarios where ONT emerges as a heavyweight by 2030, given certain market conditions.
  • On the careful side, cautionary predictions remind us of the unforeseeable innovations and disruptive events that could reshape the entire landscape, for better or worse.

It's no secret that the world of cryptocurrency can be an exhilarating ride, with twists and turns that can turn a forecast on its head. But these long-term insights can guide your strategy and offer perspective on where ONT could be in the upcoming years.

"Price is what you pay. Value is what you get." – Warren Buffett. In crypto, these words resonate more than ever. It's not just the price we're after; it's the inherent value that ONT might bring to our digital future.

So, ponder on this: if the short-term predictions are like weather forecasts, giving us an idea of whether to take an umbrella or sunglasses to our trading desks, then the long-term predictions are akin to climate models, helping us build the resilient portfolios that can withstand and thrive in the ever-changing crypto ecosystem.

And on that note, the potential of Ontology Gas (ONG) naturally piques curiosity. Could it complement your strategy and add that extra spark to your investment portfolio? Stay tuned as we ignite the discussion on the investment potential of ONG.

Ontology Gas (ONG): A Worthy Investment?

Now let’s switch gears and look into the twin sibling of ONT — Ontology Gas, commonly known as ONG. So what’s this ONG, and why should you, as a savvy investor, consider it alongside your ONT holdings? Let’s unpack this.

An Overview of Ontology Gas (ONG)

Think of ONG as the fuel that powers the transactions and smart contracts on the Ontology blockchain. Just like your car needs gas to hit the road, various operations on Ontology need ONG to run smoothly. It's a pretty clever mechanism. By owning ONG, you're essentially holding a piece of the action — every operation, every smart contract execution, and really, the heartbeat of the Ontology network.

Investment Potential of ONG

Now, let's get down to brass tacks. Is ONG a smart investment? Well, that’s a question that needs a good hard look at the facts. One thing is certain: the duality of ONT and ONG creates a unique ecosystem where growth in the Ontology network could mean good news for ONG holders. As the network gains more adoption, the demand for ONG could soar, potentially leading to an appreciation in its value. It's this dynamic that we need to watch like hawks.

Market trends show a certain ebb and flow of ONG’s value responding to the network's use cases and partnerships. And then there are the price predictions — some optimistic, others conservative. Remember, these predictions aren't crystal balls, but they can provide some insightful glimpses into where things might head, based on a mix of historical data and future-looking scenarios. Tread carefully, use predictions as a guide, not gospel.

Is Ontology Gas something to stash in your investment toolbox? Could it add that extra zing to your portfolio? Those are the burning questions. The value of ONG isn't just in the numbers, it's in its utility — and as we've seen with other utility tokens, that can be a solid ground for growth. Check out the stats and figures for yourself over at the official Ontology site, https://ont.io/, and see what you make of it.

Before you make your next move, remember, the crypto world's a stage and ONG is but one actor in a grand play. Pondering ONG's place in your investment repertoire is a smart move, but always make your decisions with eyes wide open, and maybe, just maybe, ONG could be that savvy addition to your crypto collection. Curious about what else you should keep in mind before committing to Ontology? Well, it seems you're in just the right place. Next up, I’ll spill some truths about diving into Ontology investments — unanswered questions, vital pointers, and a good old reality check that might just shape your decision. Stay tuned, wouldn't want you to miss the essentials on this ever-exciting crypto journey.

Investing in Ontology: What You Need to Know

Hello, fellow crypto enthusiasts! Today, we're going to grab the bull by the horns and tackle the stirring topic of investing in Ontology (ONT). The realm of cryptocurrency is a thrilling roller coaster of innovation, and with each stride onto new terrain, it pays to be well-informed. I'll walk you through the essential snippets you need to consider before leaping into Ontology's vibrant ecosystem. Buckle up; we're in for an insightful journey!

Evaluating Risks and Realities

Let's keep it real, shall we? Jumping into cryptocurrency, especially a younger one like Ontology, is akin to sailing uncharted waters. You need to expect some waves! The crypto sea is notorious for its volatility, and while Ontology has its fair share of promising tech and partnerships, the waters can get choppy with regulatory changes, market sentiment, and technological shifts.

However, let's not forget the potential of striking gold. Ontology's dual-token system and focus on identity verification and data management could be the treasure many investors hope to find. Look at the crypto waves closely—assessing the historical data, tech progress, and community strength gives you a clearer picture of whether you might surf to success or tumble from a rogue wave.

Resources for Potential Investors

Pictures might be worth a thousand words, but when it comes to cryptocurrency investment, detailed information is priceless. Curious minds can tap into a goldmine of intel at the official Ontology site: https://ont.io. Here's where you'll find everything—from the nitty-gritty of the Ontology blockchain to the latest updates that could steer the course of your investment decisions.

Besides the official site, keep a tab on community forums, social media buzz, and cryptocurrency news platforms. Discussions, expert opinions, and even skepticism can offer diverse perspectives, helping you build a 360-degree view of Ontology's investment landscape.

Final Word: Is Ontology a Worthy Bet?

Now, let's tie up our brainstorming session with the million-dollar question: Is investing in Ontology the ace move for your crypto game plan? Look, predicting the future of any crypto is like trying to guess the next plot twist in a thriller novel—it's no piece of cake. But, that's part of the allure, isn't it?

With its firm roots in digital identity and data integrity, Ontology certainly stands out with a proposition that could revolutionize how trust is built on the web. If you're the type who gets excited about contributing to a system where people and data connect in smart, secure ways, then keeping a chip on Ontology might just be your kind of gamble.

Remember to wager only what doesn't keep you up at night! Take calculated risks, continue to arm yourself with knowledge, and who knows? You might just have the wild card that plays into Ontology's potentially luminous tomorrow. Happy investing!