
422.05 %
Change 24h
June 10, 2017
Market Cap
$ 155,717,835
Volume 24h
$ 202,245
Circulating Supply
Total Supply
# Exchange Pair Price Volume 24h


From the developers at Gongxinbao (GXB) comes GXChain, a public blockchain that offers decentralized data exchange solutions, being the first exchange of its kind in the world. The GXS data exchange does not cache personal data, offering its customers privacy. In addition, the exchange protects data copyright, preventing data fraud and counterfeiting and supports bilateral anonymous transactions. The GXS data exchange, which was commercialized on September 24, 2017, can be used for data exchanging in any industry. Currently, the platform offers solutions for enterprises that engage in network loan, automobile finance, personal loan in internet finance and banks. GXChain is a blockchain that supports the development of a great number of applications. Unlike other public chains, GXChain does not only support smart contract or blockchain as a service (BaaS) but also delivers many exclusive services, such as ID verification, multi-dimensional data, KYC, and swift login. GXChain currently has 100,000 TPS, which can support most business applications, and it also supports issuing new assets. The second application based on GXChain, GXB Decentralized App (Dapp), deals with personal credit management and face to face credit verification. GXChain employs delegate proof of stake (DPoS) for record tracking on the blockchain and proof of credit share (PoCS) for data exchange consensus. Minqiang Huang is the Founder and CEO, having more than 10 years of experience in data exchange, blockchain, and financial technology. He first became interested in cryptocurrency back in 2012, and since then he started several projects in this market. He was the former CTO at Hakim Unique Internet Co Ltd, and Director of financial services of HAKIM UNIQUE. He received his bachelor degree in computer science at Shandong University of Science and Technology, and his master in management at Hong Kong Finance and Economics College. Guojun Tu is the Co-founder and Vice President, and is a serial entrepreneur, having over 21 years of experience in the field of information security, financial transactions, and computer science. Guojun activated as a senior executive at 3 public traded IT company. He received his bachelor degree in computer science at Hunan University.

Understanding GXChain: An In-depth Review

Ever thought about how blockchain technology could revolutionize the global data economy? Meet GXChain, an innovative blockchain platform that’s sparking conversations among crypto enthusiasts and data-driven businesses alike. But how can understanding GXChain benefit your digital assets and investments? Let’s dig in and find out.

From Fascination to Confusion

Blockchain tech promises a future where data transactions are secure, transparent, and decentralized. But let’s face it - the world of cryptocurrencies can be as bewitching as it is bewildering, especially with emerging platforms like GXChain. You might have heard of it, but what’s behind the curtain of this data exchange behemoth?

Simplifying Cryptos

Let me break it down for you:

  • GXChain is a public blockchain that’s all about data exchange and focuses on the immense potential of the data economy.
  • It offers a secure and efficient environment for data transactions, complete with a robust decentralized data marketplace.
  • The platform is user-friendly but without losing sight of the complex needs of businesses and developers.

Imagine having a platform that not only caters to cryptocurrency transactions but also understands the value of data privacy and secure exchange. That’s GXChain for you. Now the real question is, how does it make this possible and what are its implications for you?

Your GXChain Decoder

By sticking around, you’re going to get the nitty-gritty on GXChain, and trust me, it’s worth the read. We’ll explore GXChain’s approach to securing data, how it contrasts with other cryptocurrencies, and why it might be the dark horse to watch in the blockchain race.

But how does GXChain actually function, and what sets it apart from the sea of cryptos out there? Stay tuned, as we look into the unique features and technologies that enable GXChain to be a formidable force in the data-centric world of blockchain. Curious about GXChain’s G-ID, GVM, or what BaaS means in its ecosystem? That’s up next, and you won’t want to miss out on these insights.


Introducing GXChain

Let's talk about GXChain – it's not your average coin in the crypto playground. It's a gem that stands out with its distinctive features that are pioneering the quest for a trusted data ecosystem.

What is GXChain?

You might wonder, "What exactly is GXChain?" GXChain is a public chain that’s revolutionizing the landscape of data transactions. With its proprietary system, here's the scoop on some of its standout features:

  • G-ID: A unique identity verification service protecting your privacy and stamping out fraud like a superhero blocking villains in a digital alleyway.
  • GVM: GXChain's very own Virtual Machine, offering developers a sandbox to create and test the next wave of groundbreaking dApps.
  • BaaS: Blockchain as a Service, essentially the red carpet for businesses stepping into the blockchain realm without sweating the technical details.
  • Blockcity: Not just any neighborhood, but a bustling, secure information exchange metropolis with millions of data-foraging residents.

Already sounds impressive, doesn't it? But we're only scraping the surface here.

Behind the Scenes

What powers GXChain, you ask? Let's take a peek behind the curtain:

Graphene Underlying Architecture: It’s like the steel beams in a skyscraper, providing unmatched scalability and performance that powers everything in the GXChain universe.

As for its democratic heartbeat, the Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) consensus protocol isn’t just about keeping things ticking; it's an energy-efficient way to sustain a decentralized ecosystem and make your voice heard without the monstrous energy bill associated with classic Proof of Work chains.

Colorful features, right? But how do they fit together? Imagine a constellation, each star a feature of GXChain, blazing trails in the crypto cosmos. They're not just shining on their own; their coordinated brilliance makes GXChain a constellation worth gazing at in the blockchain space.

"In a data-driven world, a platform like GXChain isn't just another blockchain; it's the spine of future digital interactions."

Curious about how you can become a part of this luminous constellation? Stay tuned, as we're about to explore how easy it is to buy into the GXChain network, where it can take you, and what treasures await you as you traverse its digital landscape. Questions already spinning in your mind about how to get your hands on GXChain, or is the anticipation of what it might set you back keeping you on edge?

Hang tight! In the next snippet of our crypto odyssey, we'll unwrap these mysteries and look at how GXChain fits into your investment portfolio. Ready to fuel your curiosity and learn how to buy, feed, and grow your GXChain?

Buying, Feeding, and Growing Your GXChain

Now that you're armed with the knowledge of GXChain's potential, let's navigate the practicalities with an easy-to-grasp guide on acquiring and nurturing your digital asset. The enthralling world of cryptocurrencies is more than just buzz; it's about making informed choices that lead to action.

How to Get GXChain?

Strap in, because I'm about to spill the secrets on where to snag some GXChain (GXC) for your portfolio. Whether you’re a seasoned trader or a newbie to the scene, these platforms will serve you well:

  • The Trusty Exchanges: Major crypto exchanges are the go-to spots, offering a seamless purchasing experience. Platforms like Binance and Huobi Global often list GXC, providing users with a straightforward trading interface.
  • Peer-to-Peer (P2P): If direct transactions are more your style, P2P networks offer a marketplace where you can buy GXC directly from other enthusiasts. Remember, always perform due diligence when dealing with peers.

Once you own some GXC, it's all about safekeeping. Opt for wallets that support the GXChain, ensuring that your digital treasure is locked away securely, waiting to reap potential future gains. And remember, the crypto journey is akin to sailing uncharted waters – thrilling yet requiring navigational savvy.

What it Costs?

Getting down to brass tacks, GXC's value ebbs and flows in the vast sea of market dynamics. But fret not, I'll throw you a line on understanding the costs:

  • Market Prices: Just like the stock market, cryptocurrency prices are subject to the whims of supply and demand. Keep your eye on the ticker, as today's price is tomorrow's history.
  • No Substantial Fees Here: One of the perks of GXChain is its minimal fee structure, ensuring that more of your invested value stays afloat.

Assessing costs isn't just about the purchase price; consider the transaction fees, wallet options (some might come with maintenance costs), and the cost of inaction – because missing the boat on a good investment can be a regrettable expense.

“The future belongs to those who prepare for it today.” – Malcolm X

I leave you with this thought as a mantra for your crypto endeavors. Money may not grow on trees, but diligent investment in cryptocurrencies like GXChain might just be the next best thing.

Curious about the coral reefs of forecasted growth and the tides of industry evolution that could carry your GXChain investment to new heights? Stay tuned, as we’ll next chart the course ahead, exploring the ripples of price predictions for GXChain.

The Future Prospects of GXChain

As someone with a keen interest in the dynamic world of cryptocurrency, you've likely pondered what lies on the horizon for a platform like GXChain. Making informed decisions is key in this volatile market, and that's precisely why looking ahead is so crucial. Let's explore what the future might hold for GXChain and how it may impact your investment strategy.

Price Prediction for GXChain

The question on many lips is, "What will GXChain be worth in the near future?" Price predictions, while speculative, can provide some direction. Various analysts and platforms contribute forecasts based on historical data, current trends, and complex algorithms. But remember, these predictions should be taken with a grain of salt, as the crypto market is notoriously unpredictable. Still, they can serve as a rough guide to inform your decisions. For those eager to see current value fluctuations and historical price movements, let's take a pause and check out the real-time conversion tool for GXC at CoinMarketCap.

The Road Ahead

Looking beyond today, what can we expect from GXChain's journey? Their roadmap gives us glimpses of planned updates, feature roll-outs, and partnerships that could steer the ship towards uncharted waters. It's not just about what GXChain will do; it also involves considering how external factors like regulations, market sentiment, and technological advancements will play a part.

Let's paint a picture with real examples - imagine GXChain's partnership with a major data provider goes live, potentially boosting trust in their ecosystem and possibly leading to a surge in adoption. Or consider how regulatory changes in a key market could either pose challenges or open new opportunities for growth. These are the nuances that could shape or completely overhaul current predictions about GXChain’s future.

Mulling over these prospects, you might now find yourself wondering, "What does this mean for my portfolio?" Or perhaps, "Should I hop on the GXChain train or wait at the station a little longer?" Anticipate the answers as we dissect these questions in the next and final part of our series. And maybe, just maybe, you'll find the clues to make your next big crypto play.

Parting Thoughts

After our enlightening expedition into the world of GXChain, we're at the stage where we mull over what we've encountered. The promised land of a trusted data economy is no mirage, but it's essential to weigh our options meticulously.

The Pros & Cons

Let's not beat around the bush; GXChain boasts some solid features that make it a standout candidate for various use cases. Its commitment to data reliability and value is praiseworthy. However, like every technology, GXChain isn’t without its pitfalls. Here, we shall lay out the benefits alongside the challenges it poses, all in pursuit of a balmy middle ground to stand on.

The efficiency and scalability offered by its DPoS consensus mechanism are indeed riveting, as is the allure of low transaction fees. The developer-friendly environment, courtesy of the GVM, glistens with opportunity. Yet, questions around the adoption rate and competition from more prominent players linger like a morning fog, slightly obscuring that glow of potential. Let’s also not forget the ever-present volatility in crypto markets which could either catapult valuation or tether it unpredictably.

Is GXChain Worth Your Effort?

If you've been skimming through the crypto pages, wondering if GXChain merits a spot in your digital wallet, let's consider its utility and the wave of adoption which could dictate its value. Are we eyeing a diamond in the rough, or is it just another blockchain hopeful amongst a sea of contenders?

When making a decision, consider the innovation of the underlying technology against the backdrop of market dynamics. GXChain undeniably caters to a burgeoning need for secure data exchanges, but does it have what it takes to triumph over its peers? It's not just about throwing your chips in and hoping for the best; it's about strategic moves and setting sail on the right trade winds.

Wrapping It Up

I trust this in-depth look at GXChain has equipped you with the knowledge to chart your course through the choppy waters of cryptocurrency investments. Whether you decide to anchor down with GXC or not, having a compass that points towards informed decisions is invaluable. Here's to your success, whether you're navigating by the stars of insight we've gathered or by your intuition, honed by experience. Sail on, crypto adventurers!